*Copyright @ www.mycsg.in;

*Obtaining descriptive statistics; *Finding duplicates; *Removing duplicates; *Converting dates; *array transpose; *lag function; *retain statement; *dummy rows based on some values present in data; *Finding the maximum result-max func and retain, proc means, proc sql; *Checking the number of records with missing/non-missing information -missfmt based; */

Programming for the Task

Dummy rows creation -for the tfl layouts where all rows displayed in the shell have to be presented

Using explicit output statements

Using datalines statement

Using proc format and do loop

Using proc sql

Using do loops

Check if a subject has a non-missing result for a parameter pretreatment and post treatment

Create example data

Using proc sql - approach 1 - making use of inner join

Using proc sql - approach 2 - making use of intersect operator

Using proc sql - approach 3 - making use of subquery

Selecting all records of subjects/paramter who has pre and post treatment result available

Using proc sort nodupkey

Carry forward a previous record value onto current record for comparison

Check if the start date on current record is same as the end date of previous record

Create sample data

Using lag function

Using retain statement and explicit output statements

Using datastep merge

Find the difference in result when compared to the result on previous record

Converting a variable's value to sentence case

Using upcase,lowcase functions and concatenation operator

Using propcase function

Creating cartesian product

Create a row for each aedecod observed in AE dataset for each subject in study

Create input data

Using proc sql

Using data step

Get the latest transfusion date before each lab collection date

Create input data

Using proc sql

Using data step