Function | Defintion |
UPCASE | Upcase function is used for converting english alphabet letters of a variable's value to uppercase |
LOWCASE | Lowcase function is used for convering englight alphabet letters of a variable's value to lowercase |
Propcase function is used for converting all words of a variable's value to proper case. That is, propcase function converts the first letter of each 'word' to uppercase (and other letters of the word to lowercase). By default these characters are considered word separators: blank, forward slash, hyphen, open parenthesis, period |
Function | Definition |
LENGTH | Length function is used for obtaining the number of characters in a character string excluding trailing blanks, retruns a value of 1 for a blank value |
LENGTHN | LengthN function is used for obtaining the number of characters in a character string excluding trailing blanks, retruns 0 for blank value |
Function | Definition |
SCAN | The SCAN function extracts a specified word from a character string. A word is a sequence of characters separated by delimiters. By default, these characters are considered delimiters: blank, !, $, %, &, (, ), *, +, ,, -, ., /, ;, <, ^, |. |
Function | Definition |
SUBSTR | The SUBSTR function is used to extract a substring from a character string, starting at a specified position for a specified length. It can also be used to replace part of a string by assigning a value to a substring. |
Function | Definition |
FIND | The FIND function returns the position of the first occurrence of a substring within a character string. It includes options to ignore case sensitivity or specify a starting position. If the start position is negative, the search begins at that position and proceeds backwards through the string. |
Function | Definition |
COUNT | The COUNT function counts the number of times a specified substring appears in a character string. The search is case-sensitive by default. |
COUNTC | The COUNTC function counts the number of specific characters that appear in a character string. It allows for multiple characters to be counted at once. |
COUNTW | The COUNTW function counts the number of words in a character string. Words are defined as sequences of characters separated by delimiters. By default, delimiters include spaces, punctuation marks, and other special characters. |
Function | Definition |
TRANWRD | The TRANWRD function replaces all occurrences of a specified substring within a character string with another substring. This function is useful in clinical trials data to standardize variable values or correct data inconsistencies. |
Function | Definition |
COMPRESS | The COMPRESS function removes specific characters from a character string. It can also be used to retain specific characters by using the optional `modifiers` argument. The 'k' modifier (keep) is combined with other modifiers (e.g., 'd' for digits) to retain specific characters. |