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Variable <*> is uninitialized

New variable specified on length statement but not created it in the step

Type a wrong variable name in an expression

Specify a variable name on retain statement but do not create it in the data step

Missing values were generated as a result of performing an operation on missing values

Perform an operation on a variable that contains missing values on some/all rows

Using a non-existing variable in an expression

Apply a function that expects non-missing values on a variable that contains missing values on some/all rows

Apply a function that expects non-missing values on a variable that contains missing values - round function

All variables passed as arguments to some numeric functions have missing values

Character values were converted to numeric values

Create input data

Specifying a character variable in an expression that requires numeric variables

Numeric values were converted to character values

Create input data

Specifying a numeric variable in an expression that requires character variables

WARNING: The variable <*> in the DROP, KEEP, or RENAME list has never been referenced.

ERROR: The variable <*> in the DROP, KEEP, or RENAME list has never been referenced.

Division by zero detected

Create input data

When calculating percent change and denominator is 0

Invalid argument to function INPUT
Mathematical operations could not be performed at the following places

Create input data

Converting a value to numeric and data contains non-digit characters

File .DATA does not exist.

Referring a non-existing dataset on set statement

Referring a non-existing dataset on data= option of a procedure

BY variables are not properly sorted on data set

Using a by statement in a data step with incorrect sort order variables

MERGE statement has more than one data set with repeats of BY values

Create input datasets

Merging height and weight datasets by subject variable alone

The variable <*> on data set <*> will be overwritten by data set <*>.

Create input datasets

Merging height and weight datasets by subject variable alone

Solution to fix this

The function is unknown, or cannot be accessed

Using a non-existing function

WHERE clause operator requires compatible variables