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What can differ between two datasets

How do we check (compare) any differences between two datasets?

Answer is our compare procedure

Lets understand 'variable summary' section

Create sample data

Examine the default output produced

Default variable summary screenshot

What if we want to see the list of variables which are not common?

List of not common variables screenshot

Lets understand observation summary section

Default observation summary screenshot
Value Comparison Summary screenshot

What if we want to compare the observations based on matching values in some variables?

Value Comparison Summary screenshot
Value Comparison Summary with ID statement

What if we want to see the observations which do not have a matching record in either base or compare dataset?

List of observations which are not common to both datasets

How does/should a clean compare look like?

Fix the issues in input datasets used so far - for demonstration - creating the same data with different names

Run compare with listall option and using id statement

Screenshot of a clean compare