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Create sample datasets

proc freq with all defaults

using data= option to mention the input dataset

using tables statement to request frequencies for a specific variable

using tables statement to request frequencies for multiple individual variables

using multiple table statments

using by group processing to obtain frequencies of a variable grouped by another variable

cross-tabulation to obtain frequencies of a variable grouped by another variable

cross tabulation of more than two variables

options to control the stats displayed in output window

one way tables - default

one way tables - suppress cumultative stats

one way tables - suppress percent

one way tables - suppress count

one way tables - suppress multiple possible elements

n-way tables - default

n-way tables - suppress percentage

n-way tables - suppress row percentage

n-way tables - suppress column percentage

n-way tables - suppress both row and column percentage

n-way tables - suppress both row and column percentage and also suppress (total) percetage

option to change the tabular view of n-way tables to list view (view all the levels across variables as columns)

option to save the frequencies and percentages into a dataset

out= option on n-way table

using noprint option on proc freq statement

mutliple one-way tables on tables statment with out= option

multiple n-way tables on tables statement with out=option

create multiple datasets within the same procedure invocation

missing values in variables for which frequency tables are requested

missing values - results in output window

include missing value as level in the table

missing levels: impact on output dataset