How do we specify the name of input dataset to be used by proc sort?
We need to specify the name of the input dataset using data= option on the proc sort statement
What happens if we do not provide data= option?
The last created dataset in the current SAS session is used as input for proc sort
How do we specify the name of the output dataset in which the sorted observations are to be stored?
We need to specify the name of the output dataset using out=option on the proc sort statement
What happens if we do not provide out= option?
Input dataset gets overwritten with the sorted dataset
How do we instruct SAS to sort the observations based on particular variables?
We need to specify the names of the sorting variables in the by statement
What happens if we do not provide by variables or a by statement?
Returns an Error as by statement is a mandatory statment in proc sort
What is the default sort order for a variable?
By default SAS sorts observations based on the ascending values of the variables listed