001 STUDYID Study Identifier IS.STUDYID
002 USUBJID Unique Subject Identifier IS.USUBJID
003 ISSEQ Sequence Number IS.ISSEQ
004 ADT Analysis Date Populate using IS.ISDTC
005 ADY Analysis Relative Day Populate using ADSL.TRTSDT and ADIS.ADT. If ADT is on or after treatment start date then populate as the difference between ADT and TRTSDT and add one to the difference. Else if ADT is before TRTSDT then populate as the difference between ADT and TRTSDT.
007 VISIT Visit Name IS.VISIT
008 AVISIT Analysis Visit Part 1:
Populate as 'Screening' when ADY <=-1.
Populate as 'Visit 1' when 1<= ADY <=1.
Populate as 'Visit 2' when 7<= ADY <=9.
Populate as 'Visit 3' when 25<= ADY <=33.
Populate as 'Visit 4' when 78<= ADY <=92.
Populate as 'Visit 5' when 166<= ADY <=194.
Populate as 'Visit 6' when 351<= ADY <=379.

Part 2:
Populate as 'Baseline' on the record where ABLFL is 'Y'.
009 AVISITN Analysis Visit (N) Part 1:
Populate as -1 when AVISIT='Screening'.
Populate as 1 when AVISIT='Visit 1'.
Populate as 2 when AVISIT='Visit 2'.
Populate as 3 when AVISIT='Visit 3'.
Populate as 4 when AVISIT='Visit 4'.
Populate as 5 when AVISIT='Visit 5'.
Populate as 6 when AVISIT='Visit 6'.

Part 2:
Populate as 0 on the record where ABLFL is 'Y'.
010 PARAM Parameter Populate as 'Titer (GCE/ml)' when PARAMCD='TITER'.
011 PARAMCD Parameter Code For the source records:
012 PARAMN Parameter (N) Populate as 1 when PARAMCD='TITER'.
013 AVAL Analysis Value A. For the source records:
014 BASE Baseline Value Populate using ADIS.AVAL on the record where ADIS.ABLFL="Y" of each parameter and subject on all records that subject and parameter.
015 CHG Change from Baseline Populate as the difference between ADIS.AVAL and ADIS.BASE on postbaseline records (ADIS.ANL02FL="Y").
016 R2BASE Ratio to Baseline On postbaseline records (ANL02FL="Y") where PARAMCD="TITER":
Populate with the ratio of AVAL to BASE (AVAL/BASE). Round the ratio to two decimal places.
017 CRIT1 Analysis Criterion 1 Populate as "Seroresponse - Titer >=200" on records where PARAMCD="TITER".
018 CRIT1FL Criterion 1 Evaluation Result Flag On records where PARAMCD="TITER":
Populate as "Y" when AVAL>=200. Else if AVAL is not null, then populate as "N".
019 CRIT2 Analysis Criterion 2 Populate as "Seroconversion - > 4 fold increase from baseline" on records where PARAMCD="TITER".
020 CRIT2FL Criterion 2 Evaluation Result Flag On postbaseline records (ANL02FL="Y") where PARAMCD="TITER":
Populate as "Y" when R2BASE > 4. Else if R2BASE is not null then populate as "N".
021 AWTARGET Analysis Window Target Populate as null when AVISIT='Screening'.
Populate as 1 when AVISIT='Visit 1'.
Populate as 8 when AVISIT='Visit 2'.
Populate as 29 when AVISIT='Visit 3'.
Populate as 85 when AVISIT='Visit 4'.
Populate as 180 when AVISIT='Visit 5'.
Populate as 365 when AVISIT='Visit 6'.
022 AWTDIFF Analysis Window Diff from Target Populate as the absolute difference between AWTARGET and ADY
023 AWLO Analysis Window Beginning Timepoint Populate as null when AVISIT='Screening'.
Populate as 1 when AVISIT='Visit 1'.
Populate as 7 when AVISIT='Visit 2'.
Populate as 25 when AVISIT='Visit 3'.
Populate as 78 when AVISIT='Visit 4'.
Populate as 166 when AVISIT='Visit 5'.
Populate as 351 when AVISIT='Visit 6'.
024 AWHI Analysis Window Ending Timepoint Populate as -1 when AVISIT='Screening'.
Populate as 1 when AVISIT='Visit 1'.
Populate as 9 when AVISIT='Visit 2'.
Populate as 33 when AVISIT='Visit 3'.
Populate as 92 when AVISIT='Visit 4'.
Populate as 194 when AVISIT='Visit 5'.
Populate as 379 when AVISIT='Visit 6'.
025 AWU Analysis Window Unit Populate as "DAYS" when AVISIT is not null.
026 ABLFL Baseline Record Flag Populate as "Y" on the latest record with non-missing result on or prior to treatment start date (ADSL.TRTSDT) for each subject and parameter.
027 ANL01FL Analysis Flag 01 Populate as "Y" on the records which is closet to the target day within each analysis visit (ADIS.AVISIT) per subject and parameter. If there exists multiple records which are equally close to the target day, choose the latest record.
028 ANL02FL Analysis Flag 02 Populate as "Y" on postbaseline records (ADIS.ADT>ADSL.TRTSDT).