001 STUDYID Study Identifier Char Populate as "MYCSG"
002 DOMAIN Domain Abbreviation Char Populate as "PC"
003 USUBJID Unique Subject Identifier Char Populate by concatenating "MYCSG-" as a prefix to SUBJECT variable.
004 PCSEQ Sequence Number Num Sort the records by USUBJID, PCTESTCD, PCDTC and set to 1 on the first record for each subject, and increment by 1 for each subsequent record within the subject.

005 PCGRPID Group ID Char Populate with the value from GRPID variable.
006 PCTESTCD Pharmacokinetic Test Short Name Char Populate as "DRUGA"
007 PCTEST Pharmacokinetic Test Name Char Populate as "Drug A"
008 PCORRES Result or Finding in Original Units Char Populate with the value from RESULT variable.
009 PCORRESU Original Units Char Populate with the value from UNIT variable.
010 PCSTRESC Character Result/Finding in Std Format Char Populate with the value from RESULT variable.
011 PCSTRESN Numeric Result/Finding in Standard Units Num Populate with the numeric value of PCSTRESC where applicable.
012 PCSTRESU Standard Units Char Populate with the value from UNIT variable.
013 PCSPEC Specimen Material Type Char Populate with the value from SPEC variable.
014 PCLLOQ Lower Limit of Quantitation Num Populate as "0.10".
015 PCULOQ Upper Limit of Quantitation Num Populate as "20"
016 VISITNUM Visit Number Num Populate with the value from FOLDERSEQ variable.
017 VISIT Visit Name Char Populate with the value from FOLDERNAME variable - use only the first word before hyphen.
018 PCDTC Date/Time of Specimen Collection Char Populate using PCDAT_RAW and PCTIM, after converting to ISO 8601 format.
019 PCTPT Planned Time Point Name Char Populate with the value from PCTPT variable.
020 PCTPTNUM Planned Time Point Number Num Set to 0 when PCTPT="PREDOSE".
Set to 1.5 when PCTPT="1H30MIN".
Set to 6 when PCTPT="6H".
Set to 24 when PCTPT="24H".
021 PCELTM Planned Elapsed Time from Time Point Ref Char Set to "-PT15M when PCTPT="PREDOSE".
Set to "PT1H30M" when PCTPT="1H30MIN".
Set to "PT6H" when PCTPT="6H".
Set to "PT24H when PCTPT="24H".
022 PCTPTREF Time Point Reference Char Concatenate the GRPID variable value with " Dose" as a suffix.
023 PCRFTDTC Date/Time of Reference Point Char Populate with the value from DOSING_TIME variable.