001 STUDYID Study Identifier Char Populate as "MYCSG"
002 DOMAIN Domain Abbreviation Char Populate as "PE"
003 USUBJID Unique Subject Identifier Char Concatenate STUDYID and SUBJECT with a hyphen in between.
004 PESEQ Sequence Number Num Sort the final dataset by USUBJID, PETESTCD, PEDTC and set to 1 on the first record of the subject and increment by 1 on subsequent records.
005 PETESTCD Body System Examined Short Name Char Populate as "ENT" when PETEST is "Ear/Nose/Throat".
Populate as "CNS" when PETEST is "Central Nervous System".
For other PETEST values, populate with the first eight characters of PETEST in upper case.
006 PETEST Body System Examined Char Populate with the values from BODSYS variable.
007 PEORRES Verbatim Examination Finding Char Populate with the values from RESULT variable.
008 PESTRESC Character Result/Finding in Std Format Char Convert PEORRES to upper case.
009 PELOBXFL Last Observation Before Exposure Flag Char Populate as "Y" on the latest record on or before RFXSTDTC per subject and PETESTCD.
010 VISITNUM Visit Number Num Populate with the value from FOLDERSEQ variable.
011 VISIT Visit Name Char Populate with the value from FOLDERNAME variable.
012 PEDTC Date/Time of Examination Char Populate using PEDAT_RAW after converting to ISO 8601 format.
013 PEDY Study Day of Examination Num Derive study day for PEDTC.
014 x PEABNSP Abnormal Specify Num Populate using ABNSP variable
015 x PECLSIG Clinically Significant Num Populate as "Y" when CLSIG is "Yes", else if CLSIG="No" then populate as "N".