001 STUDYID Study Identifier Char Populate as "MYCSG"
002 DOMAIN Domain Abbreviation Char Populate as "PP"
003 USUBJID Unique Subject Identifier Char Populate by concatenating "MYCSG-" to the value of subject as a prefix.
004 PPSEQ Sequence Number Num Sort the records by USUBJID, PPCAT, PPTESTCD, PPGRPID and set to 1 on the first record for each subject, and increment by 1 for each subsequent record within the subject.

005 PPGRPID Group ID Char Populate with the value from GRPID variable.
006 PPTESTCD Parameter Short Name Char Populate with the first word from PARAM variable where '(' is the delimiter.
007 PPTEST Parameter Name Char Set to "Time of CMAX" when PPTESTCD="TMAX".
Set to "Max Conc" when PPTESTCD="CMAX".
Set to "AUC All" when PPTESTCD="AUCALL".
Set to "Half-Life Lambda z" when PPTESTCD="LAMZHL".
Set to "Vz Obs" when PPTESTCD="VZO".
008 PPCAT Parameter Category Char Populate with the second word from GRPID variable where '_' is the delimiter.
009 PPORRES Result or Finding in Original Units Char Populate with the value from RESULT variable.
010 PPORRESU Original Units Char Populate with the second word from PARAM variable where '(', ')' are the delimiters.
011 PPSTRESC Character Result/Finding in Std Format Char Populate with the value from PPORRES variable
012 PPSTRESN Numeric Result/Finding in Standard Units Num Convert PPSTRESC to numeric value where applicable.
013 PPSTRESU Standard Units Char Populate with the value from PPORRESU variable
014 PPSPEC Specimen Material Type Char Populate with the value from SPEC variable.
015 PPRFTDTC Date/Time of Reference Point Char Populate using PCON dataset. Merge PPARAM and PCON datasets at subject and GRPID variables level and fetch DOSING_TIME from PCON as PPRFTDTC.
Notes: 1) Use only first word from GRPID variable of PPARAM dataset.
2) Multiple records exist in PCON for each SUBJECT and GRPID - first record can be used as DOSING_TIME is expected to be same on all records of a GRPID.