001 STUDYID Study Identifier Char Populate as 'MYCSG'
002 DOMAIN Domain Abbreviation Char Populate as 'RE'
003 USUBJID Unique Subject Identifier Char Concatenate the value of STUDYID variable to SUBJECT variable with a hyphen in between.
004 RESEQ Sequence Number Num Sort the records by USUBJID, RETESTCD, REDTC and set to 1 on the first record for each subject, and increment by 1 for each subsequent record within the subject
005 RETESTCD Short Name of Respiratory Test Char The responses to each question item is collected in a separate variable. We need to transform the data such that we a create a row for each question
Create a record with RETESTCD=FEV1 to store the result from FEV1.
Create a record with RETESTCD=FVC to store the result from FVC.
Create a record with RETESTCD=FEV1PP to store the result from FEV1PP.
Create a record with RETESTCD=FVCPP to store the result from FVCPP.
006 RETEST Name of Respiratory Test Char Populate as 'Forced Expiratory Volume in 1 Second' when RETESTCD=FEV1.
Populate as 'Forced Vital Capacity' when RETESTCD=FVC.
Populate as 'Percent Predicted FEV1' when RETESTCD=FEV1PP.
Populate as 'Percent Predicted Forced Vital Capacity' when RETESTCD=FVCPP.
007 REORRES Result or Finding in Original Units Char Populate using FEV1 when creating row for RETESTCD=FEV1.
Populate using FVC when creating row for RETESTCD=FVC.
Populate using FEV1PP when creating row for RETESTCD=FEV1PP.
Populate using FVCPP when creating row for RETESTCD=FVCPP.
008 REORRESU Original Units Char Populate as "L" for RETESTCD=FEV1.
Populate as "L" for RETESTCD=FVC.
Populate as "%" for RETESTCD=FEV1PP.
Populate as "%" RETESTCD=FVCPP.
009 RESTRESC Character Result/Finding in Std Format Char Populate with the values from REORRES
010 RESTRESN Numeric Result/Finding in Standard Units Num Convert RE.RESTRESC values to numeric where applicable.
011 RESTRESU Standard Units Char Populate with the values from REORRESU
012 RELOBXFL Last Observation Before Exposure Flag Char Populate as "Y" on the latest record on or before RFXSTDTC per RETESTCD within a subject.
013 VISITNUM Visit Number Num Populate with the value from FOLDERSEQ
014 VISIT Visit Name Char Populate with the value from FOLDERNAME
015 REDTC Date/Time of Collection Char Populate using REDAT_RAW after converting to ISO8601 format.
016 REDY Study Day of Visit/Collection/Exam Num Populate using RE.REDTC and DM.RFSTDTC. If REDTC is on or after RFSTDTC then populate with the resulting value of REDTC-RFSTDTC+1. Else if REDTC is before RFSTDTC then populate with the resulting value of REDTC-RFSTDTC.