001 STUDYID Study Identifier Char Populate as 'MYCSG'
002 DOMAIN Domain Abbreviation Char Populate as 'CE'
003 USUBJID Unique Subject Identifier Char Populate by concatenating the text "MYCSG-" as a prefix to the value in SUBJECT variable.
004 SUSEQ Sequence Number Num Sort the records by USUBJID, SUCAT, SUTRT, SUSTDTC and set to 1 on the first record for each subject, and increment by 1 for each subsequent record within the subject.

005 SUTRT Reported Name of Substance Char 1) Create a record for SUTRT="ALCOHOL".
2)Create 3 records with SUTRT as "BEER", "WINE", "SPIRITS" to capture the usage of beer (SUNCF_BEER), wine(SUNCF_WINE) and spirits(SUNCF_SPIRITS).
1) Create a record for SUTRT="CAFFEINE".
2)Create 3 records with SUTRT as "COFFEE", "SODA", "TEA" to capture the usage of beer (SUNCF_COFFEE), wine(SUNCF_SODA) and tea(SUNCF_TEA).
1) Create a record for SUTRT="TOBACCO".
2)Create 3 records with SUTRT as "CIGARETTES", "CIGARS", "PIPEFULS" to capture the usage of cigarettes (SUNCF_CIGARETES), cigars(SUNCF_CIGARS) and pipefulss(SUNCF_PIPEFULS).
006 SUCAT Category for Substance Use Char Populate as "ALCOHOL" Populate as "CAFFEINE" Populate as "TOBACCO"
007 SUPRESP SU Pre-Specified Char Populate as "Y" on the records of SUTRT="ALCOHOL", "CAFFEINE", "TOBACCO".
008 SUOCCUR SU Occurrence Char On the records of SUTRT="ALCOHOL", "CAFFEINE", "TOBACCO", populate as "Y" when SUNCF is in ("Former" "Current"). Else if SUNCF is "Never" then set to "N".
009 SUDOSE Substance Use Consumption Num Populate with the value from SUDSTXT_BEER for record with SUTRT=BEER
Populate with the value from SUDSTXT_WINE for record with SUTRT=WINE
Populate with the value from SUDSTXT_SPIRITS for record with SUTRT=SPIRITS
Populate with the value from SUDSTXT_COFFEE for record with SUTRT=COFFEE
Populate with the value from SUDSTXT_SODA for record with SUTRT=SODA
Populate with the value from SUDSTXT_TEA for record with SUTRT=TEA
Populate with the value from SUDSTXT_CIGARETTES for record with SUTRT=CIGARETTES
Populate with the value from SUDSTXT_CIGARS for record with SUTRT=CIGARS
Populate with the value from SUDSTXT_PIPEFULS for record with SUTRT=PIPES
010 SUDOSFRQ Use Frequency Per Interval Char Populate with the value from SUDOSFRQ_BEER for record with SUTRT=BEER
Populate with the value from SUDOSFRQ_WINE for record with SUTRT=WINE
Populate with the value from SUDOSFRQ_SPIRITS for record with SUTRT=SPIRITS
Populate with the value from SUDOSFRQ_COFFEE for record with SUTRT=COFFEE
Populate with the value from SUDOSFRQ_SODA for record with SUTRT=SODA
Populate with the value from SUDOSFRQ_TEA for record with SUTRT=TEA
Populate with the value from SUDOSFRQ_CIGARETTES for record with SUTRT=CIGARETTES
Populate with the value from SUDOSFRQ_CIGARS for record with SUTRT=CIGARS
Populate with the value from SUDOSFRQ_PIPEFULS for record with SUTRT=PIPES
011 SUSTDTC Start Date/Time of Substance Use Char Populate using SUSTDAT after converting to ISO 8601 format.
012 SUENDTC End Date/Time of Substance Use Char Populate using SUENDAT after converting to ISO 8601 format.
013 SUSTRTPT Start Relative to Reference Time Point Char Populate as "BEFORE" when SUNCF="Former".
014 SUSTTPT Start Reference Time Point Char Populate as "SCREENING" when SUSTRTPT is not null.
015 SUENRTPT End Relative to Reference Time Point Char Populate as "BEFORE" when SUNCF="Former".
Populate as "ONGOING" when SUNCF="Current".
016 SUENTPT End Reference Time Point Char Populate as "SCREENING" when SUENRTPT is not null.