codelist_version scodelist_abbreviation codelist_type code decod value_code scodelist_code lcodelist_code lcodelist_abbreviation
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired A1AGLP Alpha-1 Acid Glycoprotein C100429 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired A1ANTRPF Alpha-1 Antitrypsin, Functional C181404 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired A1ANTRYP Alpha-1 Antitrypsin C80167 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired A1MCGEXR Alpha-1 Microglobulin Excretion Rate C186022 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired A1MCREAT Alpha-1 Microglobulin/Creatinine C100462 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired A1MICG Alpha-1 Microglobulin C100461 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired A2MACG Alpha-2 Macroglobulin C80168 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired A73OXC 7-alpha-Hydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one C172524 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired AAMAPAC Alpha-Aminoadipic Acid C154761 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired AAMBTAC Alpha-Aminobutyric Acid C154759 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired AAP Alanine Aminopeptidase C100430 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired AATZPL Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Z-Polymer C189527 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired AB42AB40 Amyloid Beta 1-42/Amyloid Beta 1-40 C199923 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ABFBCA AB-FUBINACA C184526 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ABNCE Abnormal Cells C111124 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ABNCECE Abnormal Cells/Total Cells C150835 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ABNCELE Abnormal Cells/Leukocytes C150834 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ABO ABO Blood Group C125939 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ABOA1 ABO A1 Subtype C135397 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ABP4 4-Aminobiphenyl C204641 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ABPNCA AB-PINACA C184527 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ACANT Acanthocytes C74699 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ACANTRBC Acanthocytes/Erythrocytes C74633 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ACE Angiotensin Converting Enzyme C80169 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ACETAMIN Acetaminophen C135398 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ACETOAC Acetoacetic Acid C92247 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ACETONE Acetone C147288 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ACH Acetylcholine C74838 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ACHE Acetylcholinesterase C96560 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ACPHOS Acid Phosphatase C80163 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ACRNCRNF Acylcarnitine/Carnitine, Free C147289 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ACROLEIN Acrolein C204643 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ACRYNTRL Acrylonitrile C204644 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ACSPGM Acid Sphingomyelinase C189522 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ACT Activated Coagulation Time C103348 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ACTACEXR Acetoacetic Acid Excretion Rate C189521 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ACTALD Acetaldehyde C204642 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ACTB Beta-Actin C184510 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ACTH Adrenocorticotropic Hormone C74780 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ACTVNA Activin A C202385 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ACTVNAB Activin AB C202386 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ACTVNB Activin B C202387 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ACYCRNTN Acylcarnitine C156535 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ACYGLYCN Acylglycine C156534 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ACYLCAOX Acyl Coenzyme A Oxidase C92286 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ADAM8 ADAM Metallopeptidase Domain 8 C147290 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ADAMTS13 ADAMTS13 C187684 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ADBPNCA ADB-PINACA C184529 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ADH Antidiuretic Hormone C74847 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ADM Adrenomedullin C199910 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ADMA Asymmetric Dimethylarginine C158233 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ADMTS13A ADAMTS13 Activity C187830 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ADP Adenosine Diphosphate C102257 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ADPNCTN Adiponectin C74839 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ADPNHMW Adiponectin, High Molecular Weight C132363 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired AFACTXAA Anti-Factor Xa Activity C98706 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired AFP Alpha Fetoprotein C74732 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired AFPADJBW Alpha Fetoprotein Adj for Body Weight C147291 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired AFPL1 Alpha Fetoprotein L1 C96562 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired AFPL2 Alpha Fetoprotein L2 C96563 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired AFPL3 Alpha Fetoprotein L3 C96564 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired AFPL3AFP A Fetoprotein L3/A Fetoprotein C96565 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired AG1_5 1,5-Anhydroglucitol C124334 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired AHBDH Alpha Hydroxybutyrate Dehydrogenase C111126 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired AHTRZLM Alpha-Hydroxytriazolam C181418 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired AKIRSC Acute Kidney Injury Risk Score C202384 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ALA Alanine C122091 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ALA1ALB Apolipoprotein A1/Apolipoprotein B C147292 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ALAALB Apolipoprotein A/Apolipoprotein B C158222 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ALB Albumin C64431 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ALBC Albumin Clearance C147293 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ALBCREAT Albumin/Creatinine C74761 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ALBEXR Albumin Excretion Rate C150814 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ALBGALB Glycated Albumin/Albumin C158228 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ALBGLOB Albumin/Globulin C74894 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ALBGLYCA Glycated Albumin C122092 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ALBIDX Albumin Index C154734 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ALBPROT Albumin/Total Protein C103453 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ALDEPX Aldrin Epoxidase C154743 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ALDOLASE Aldolase C74731 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ALDSTEXR Aldosterone Excretion Rate C202382 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ALDSTRN Aldosterone C74841 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ALFNTNL Alfentanil C184566 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ALLOILE Alloisoleucine C154762 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ALOX5 Arachidonate 5-Lipoxygenase C184519 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ALP Alkaline Phosphatase C64432 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ALPBALP Alk Phos, Bone/Total Alk Phos C147294 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ALPBS Bone Specific Alkaline Phosphatase C92287 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ALPCREAT Alkaline Phosphatase/Creatinine C79438 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ALPEXR Alkaline Phosphatase Excretion Rate C165942 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ALPIALP Alk Phos, Intestinal/Total Alk Phos C147295 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ALPIS Intestinal Specific Alkaline Phosphatase C119266 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ALPISOE Alkaline Phosphatase Isoenzyme C139091 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ALPLALP Alk Phos, Liver/Total Alk Phos C147296 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ALPLBALP Alk Phos, Liver + Bone/Total Alk Phos C189497 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ALPLS Liver Specific Alkaline Phosphatase C119267 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ALPPALP Alk Phos, Placental/Total Alk Phos C184508 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ALPPS Placental Specific Alkaline Phosphatase C184509 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ALPRZLM Alprazolam C75370 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ALS Acid Labile Subunit C163419 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ALT Alanine Aminotransferase C64433 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ALTAST ALT/AST C106498 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ALTCPHRL Alpha Tocopherol C103349 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ALUMINUM Aluminum C111127 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired AM2201 AM-2201 C184539 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired AM694N5H AM694 N-5-hydroxypentyl C184538 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired AMACR Alpha-Methylacyl Coenzyme A Racemase C132364 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired AMBRBTL Amobarbital C75363 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired AMCRMRNA AMACR mRNA C132365 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired AMH Anti-Mullerian Hormone C120625 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired AMITRPTL Amitriptyline C186023 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired AMMONIA Ammonia C74799 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired AMNM Ammonium C186024 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired AMNMCRT Ammonium/Creatinine C186025 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired AMNOACID Amino Acids C81183 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired AMNPHTH1 1-Aminonaphthalene C204639 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired AMNPHTH2 2-Aminonaphthalene C204640 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired AMORPHSD Amorphous Sediment C74666 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired AMPEA Alpha-Methylphenethylamine C75347 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired AMPHET Amphetamine C74687 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired AMPHETD Dextroamphetamine C102262 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired AMYLASE Amylase C64434 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired AMYLASEM Macroamylase C111243 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired AMYLASEP Amylase, Pancreatic C98767 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired AMYLASES Amylase, Salivary C98780 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired AMYLB38 Amyloid Beta 1-38 C103352 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired AMYLB40 Amyloid Beta 1-40 C103353 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired AMYLB41 Amyloid Beta 1-41 C184518 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired AMYLB42 Amyloid Beta 1-42 C84809 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired AMYLOIDA Amyloid A C125940 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired AMYLOIDB Amyloid, Beta C81999 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired AMYLOIDP Amyloid P C81998 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ANAB Anti-Neutrophil Antibody C176313 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ANABASN Anabasine C147298 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ANAG Alpha-N-acetylglucosaminidase C147299 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ANCAB Anti-Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibody C120626 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ANCATYAB Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Ab, Atypical C147300 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ANCCLSAB Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Ab, Classic C147301 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ANCIGAB Anti-Neutrophil Cytoplasmic IgG Antibody C163420 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ANCPNCAB Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Ab, Perinuclear C147302 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ANDSTNDL Androstenediol C74842 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ANDSTNDN Androstenedione C74843 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ANDSTRN Androsterone C186026 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ANGLBIND Antiglobulin Test, Indirect C91372 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ANGLOBDR Antiglobulin Test, Direct C81974 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ANGPT1 Angiopoietin 1 C111128 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ANGPT2 Angiopoietin 2 C163421 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ANGPTL4 Angiopoietin-Related Protein 4 C199911 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ANGTNS1 Angiotensin I C74844 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ANGTNS2 Angiotensin II C74845 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ANGTNSGN Angiotensinogen C74846 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ANIONG Anion Gap C74685 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ANIONG3 Anion Gap 3 C147303 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ANIONG4 Anion Gap 4 C147304 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ANISO Anisocytes C74797 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ANISOCHR Anisochromia C161354 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ANLRDN Anileridine C184568 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ANP Atrial Natriuretic Peptide C74886 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ANPPROMR Mid-Reg Pro-Atrial Natriuretic Peptide C172523 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ANPPRONT N-Terminal ProA-type Natriuretic Peptide C139088 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ANTHRMA Antithrombin Activity C81958 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ANTHRMAG Antithrombin Antigen C81977 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ANTIDPRS Antidepressants C74691 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired APAPCYS Acetaminophen-Cysteine Adduct C172525 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired APLASCPD APTT-LA Screen to Confirm Pct Difference C161372 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired APLSMA2 Alpha-2 Antiplasmin C103351 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired APLSMA2A Alpha-2 Antiplasmin Activity C122094 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired APOA Apolipoprotein A C124337 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired APOA1 Apolipoprotein A1 C74733 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired APOA2 Apolipoprotein AII C82000 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired APOA4 Apolipoprotein A4 C103354 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired APOA5 Apolipoprotein A5 C103355 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired APOB Apolipoprotein B C74734 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired APOB100 Apolipoprotein B100 C120628 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired APOB48 Apolipoprotein B48 C120629 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired APOBAPA1 Apolipoprotein B/Apolipoprotein A1 C103356 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired APOC1 Apolipoprotein CI C120630 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired APOC2 Apolipoprotein C2 C100427 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired APOC3 Apolipoprotein CIII C82001 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired APOD Apolipoprotein D C198281 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired APOE Apolipoprotein E C82002 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired APOE4 Apolipoprotein E4 C92293 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired APOH Apolipoprotein H C82003 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired APOJ Apolipoprotein J C100428 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired APOJCRT Apolipoprotein J/Creatinine C111130 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired APPA Amyloid Alpha Precursor Protein C119268 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired APPB Amyloid Beta Precursor Protein C105438 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired APPEAR Specimen Appearance C179695 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired APPT Total Amyloid Precursor Protein C119269 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired APRBRBTL Aprobarbital C184578 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired APRI AST to Platelet Ratio Index C156512 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired APRIL A Proliferation-Inducing Ligand C111123 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired APROTCRS Activated Protein C Resistance C100471 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired APTT Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time C38462 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired APTTLAAC APTT-LA Actual/Control C161369 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired APTTLAS Lupus Anticoagulant Sensitive APTT C102277 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired APTTSTND Activated PTT/Standard C98862 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ARA Arachidonic Acid C102259 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired AREG Amphiregulin C199888 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ARG Arginine C122095 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ARGSAC Argininosuccinic Acid C154763 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ARPIPZL Aripiprazole C177974 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ARR Aldosterone/Renin Activity C124338 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ARSENIC Arsenic C147305 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ASENAPN Asenapine C177985 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ASMACT Alpha-Smooth Muscle Actin C163422 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ASN Asparagine C122096 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ASP Aspartic Acid C122097 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ASSDNA Anti-Single Stranded DNA IgG C92269 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired AST Aspartate Aminotransferase C64467 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ASTAG Aspartate Aminotransferase Antigen C81978 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ASTALT AST/ALT C176297 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ASTC Aspartate Aminotransferase Isoenzyme C C201427 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ASTCK AST/Creatine Kinase C158225 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ASTCREAT Aspartate Aminotransferase/Creatinine C117830 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ASTDLG3A 3-Alpha-Androstanediol Glucuronide C186027 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ASTM Aspartate Aminotransferase Isoenzyme M C201428 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ASYNP Alpha Synuclein Protein C142272 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ATHMBAAC Antithrombin Activity Actual/Control C147306 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ATHMBAC Antithrombin Actual/Control C170592 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ATHPIDX Atherogenic Index of Plasma C154726 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ATLKPRTN Antileukoproteinase C199912 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ATP Adenosine Triphosphate C147307 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ATPVITE Alpha Tocopherol/Vitamin E C103350 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired AUERRODS Auer Rods C74657 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired AXL AXL Receptor Tyrosine Kinase C165943 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired AZURGRAN Azurophilic Granules C116185 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired B1BGLP Beta-1B Glycoprotein C127607 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired B2GLYAB Beta-2 Glycoprotein Antibody C81979 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired B2MCREAT Beta-2 Microglobulin/Creatinine C127608 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired B2MICG Beta-2 Microglobulin C81980 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BACT Bacteria C64469 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BAFF B-Cell Activating Factor C111135 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BALA Beta Alanine C154764 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BAMBTAC Beta-Aminobutyric Acid C154765 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BARB Barbiturates C74688 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BASEDEF Base Deficit C147309 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BASEEXCS Base Excess C119270 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BASO Basophils C64470 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BASOB Basophils Band Form C130154 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BASOBLE Basophils Band Form/Leukocytes C130155 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BASOCE Basophils/Total Cells C98865 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BASOIM Immature Basophils C96670 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BASOIMLE Immature Basophils/Leukocytes C96671 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BASOLE Basophils/Leukocytes C64471 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BASOMM Basophilic Metamyelocytes C135399 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BASOMYL Basophilic Myelocytes C135400 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BASOMYLY Basophilic Myelocytes/Lymphocytes C181448 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BASOSG Basophils, Segmented C135401 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BCEFNCTN Beta-cell Function C123455 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BCMAS Soluble B Cell Maturation Antigen C170577 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BD2 Beta-defensin 2 C122102 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BDNF Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor C82004 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BENZENE Benzene C204645 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BETACRTN Beta Carotene C100472 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BETAINES Betaines C172517 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BFTNN Bufotenine C184531 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BGTCPHRL Beta+Gamma Tocopherol C172497 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BHBACTAC Beta-Hydroxybutyrate/Acetoacetate C186028 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BHBEXR Beta-Hydroxybutyrate Excretion Rate C189520 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BHYXBTR Beta-Hydroxybutyrate C96568 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BICARB Bicarbonate C74667 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BILDIR Direct Bilirubin C64481 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BILDIRBI Direct Bilirubin/Bilirubin C158226 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BILEAC Bile Acid C74800 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BILI Bilirubin C38037 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BILIND Indirect Bilirubin C64483 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BITECE Bite Cells C74700 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BJPROT Bence-Jones Protein C111136 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BLAST Blasts C74605 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BLASTCE Blasts/Total Cells C150836 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BLASTERY Basophilic Erythroblast C147311 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BLASTIMM Immunoblasts C103407 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BLASTLE Blasts/Leukocytes C64487 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BLASTLM Leukemic Blasts C74630 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BLASTRUB Rubriblast C100446 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BLEEDT Bleeding Time C89775 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BLISTCE Blister Cell C127609 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BLSTIMLY Immunoblasts/Lymphocytes C106535 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BLSTLMLY Leukemic Blasts/Lymphocytes C74641 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BLSTLY Lymphoblasts C102278 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BLSTLYLE Lymphoblasts/Leukocytes C105444 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BLSTLYLY Lymphoblasts/Lymphocytes C189503 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BLSTMBCE Myeloblasts/Total Cells C98761 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BLSTMGK Megakaryoblasts C98752 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BLSTMKCE Megakaryoblasts/Total Cells C98753 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BLSTMKLE Megakaryoblasts/Leukocytes C187813 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BLSTNM Normoblasts C189501 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BLSTNMCE Normoblasts/Total Cells C98764 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BLSTRBCE Rubriblast/Total Cells C98870 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BLSTRSID Ringed Sideroblasts C100419 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BLSTSID Sideroblast C100418 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BLYCE B-Lymphocytes C174314 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BLYCECE B-Lymphocytes/Total Cells C174317 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BLYCELE B-Lymphocytes/Leukocytes C174316 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BLYCELY B-Lymphocytes/Lymphocytes C174315 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BLYMXM B-lymphocyte Crossmatch C128951 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BNP Brain Natriuretic Peptide C74735 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BNPPRO ProB-type Natriuretic Peptide C82032 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BNPPRONT N-Terminal ProB-type Natriuretic Peptide C96610 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BNZDZPN Benzodiazepine C74692 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BNZLCGN Benzoylecgonine C75350 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BOLDNON Boldenone C75380 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BOLSTRN Bolasterone C184579 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BRBTL Barbital C184608 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BRMZPM Bromazepam C184609 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BRVRCTM Brivaracetam C184639 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BRXPIPZL Brexpiprazole C177973 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BTC Betacellulin C199889 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BTECERBC Bite Cells/Erythrocytes C74634 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BTK Bruton's Tyrosine Kinase C165772 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BTKFR Bruton's Tyrosine Kinase, Free C165944 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BTLBARTL Butabarbital C75364 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BTLBTL Butalbital C75365 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BTRPHNL Butorphanol C184610 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BUCHE Butyrylcholinesterase C111142 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BUPREN Buprenorphine C75352 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BURRCE Burr Cells C74701 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BUTDN1_3 1,3-Butadiene C204638 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BUTYLN Butylone C184532 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BZAPYR Benzo[a]pyrene C204646 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired BZP Benzylpiperazine C184554 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired C1INH Complement C1 Esterase Inhibitor C147313 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired C1Q Complement C1q C186029 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired C2 Complement C2 C202394 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired C2FR Complement C2, Free C204634 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired C2FRC2 Complement C2, Free/Complement C2 C204633 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired C3 Complement C3 C80174 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired C3A Complement C3a C80175 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired C3ADARG Complement C3a DesArg C163423 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired C3B Complement C3b C80176 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired C3C Complement C3c C184521 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired C3M Collagen III Neo-Peptide C3M C165945 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired C4 Complement C4 C80177 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired C4A Complement C4a C80178 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired C4D Complement C4d C127610 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired C5 Complement C5 C160935 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired C5A Complement C5a C80179 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired C5B9 Complement C5b-9 C158235 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired C5B9S Soluble Complement C5b-9 C170579 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired C5FR Complement C5, Free C161357 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CA Calcium C64488 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CA125AG Cancer Antigen 125 C79089 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CA15_3AG Cancer Antigen 15-3 C103362 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CA19_9AG Cancer Antigen 19-9 C81982 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CA1AG Cancer Antigen 1 C103361 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CA242AG Cancer Antigen 242 C172526 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CA2729AG Cancer Antigen 27-29 C111143 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CA50AG Cancer Antigen 50 C187794 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CA72_4AG Cancer Antigen 72-4 C106505 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CABOT Cabot Rings C74702 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CACLR Calcium Clearance C96589 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CACR Calcium Corrected C119272 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CACRALB Calcium Corrected for Albumin C154753 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CACREAT Calcium/Creatinine C79439 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CACRTP Calcium Corrected for Total Protein C147314 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CADMIUM Cadmium C204647 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CADPRH1 Cyclic ADP Ribose Hydrolase 1 C187826 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CAEXR Calcium Excretion Rate C150815 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CAFFEINE Caffeine C75346 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CAION Calcium, Ionized C81948 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CAIONPH Calcium, Ionized pH Adjusted C125941 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CALB Calbindin C125942 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CALPRO Calprotectin C82005 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CAMP Cyclic Adenosine 3,5-Monophosphate C124339 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CAMPCRT Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate/Creat C186030 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CAN Coefficient of Nitrogen Absorption C176310 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CANNAB Cannabinoids C74689 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CANNABM Cannabinoid Metabolites C165946 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CANNABS Cannabinoids, Synthetic C135402 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CAOXAEXR Calcium Oxalate Excretion Rate C187793 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CAPHOS Calcium/Phosphorus C139087 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CAPHOSPD Calcium - Phosphorus Product C103360 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CARBXHGB Carboxyhemoglobin C96591 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CARIPRZN Cariprazine C177975 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CARNIT Carnitine C74682 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CARNITAT Carnitine Acetyl Transferase C92288 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CARNITF Carnitine, Free C74677 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CARNTEXR Carnitine Excretion Rate C163424 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CARTP Cocaine Amphetamine-Reg Transcript Prot C142273 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CASEIN Casein C198282 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CASTS Casts C74763 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CASULPH Calcium Sulphate C96590 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CATHNON Cathinone C184534 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CATNINB Beta Catenin C103357 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CBA Complement Ba C135403 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CBANH9 Carbonic Anhydrase 9 C172510 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CBB Complement Bb C80172 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CBS Cystathionine Beta-Synthase C172520 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CCK Cholecystokinin C74850 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CCL1 Chemokine (C-C Motif) Ligand 1 C199894 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CCL12 Chemokine (C-C Motif) Ligand 12 C130156 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CCL13 Chemokine (C-C Motif) Ligand 13 C165947 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CCL15 Chemokine (C-C Motif) Ligand 15 C199914 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CCL16 Chemokine (C-C Motif) Ligand 16 C165948 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CCL17 Chemokine (C-C Motif) Ligand 17 C112236 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CCL18 Chemokine (C-C Motif) Ligand 18 C112237 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CCL19 Chemokine (C-C Motif) Ligand 19 C130157 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CCL20 Chemokine (C-C Motif) Ligand 20 C161362 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CCL21 Chemokine (C-C Motif) Ligand 21 C147315 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CCL23 Chemokine (C-C Motif) Ligand 23 C165949 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CCL25 Chemokine (C-C Motif) Ligand 25 C165950 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CCL2EXR Chemokine (C-C Motif) Ligand 2 Excr Rate C156520 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CCL7 Chemokine (C-C Motif) Ligand 7 C130158 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CCL8 Chemokine (C-C Motif) Ligand 8 C165951 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CCR5 C-C Chemokine Receptor Type 5 C122103 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CDCA Chenodeoxycholate C172498 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CDCACM Chenodeoxycholate Compounds C176239 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CDH1 Cadherin 1 C199915 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CDT Carbohydrate-Deficient Transferrin C101016 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CDTTFRN Carb-Deficient Transferrin/Transferrin C125943 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CEA Carcinoembryonic Antigen C81983 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CEACAM1 CEA Cell Adhesion Molecule 1 C172511 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CEACAM5 CEA Cell Adhesion Molecule 5 C191212 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CEACAM5S Soluble CEA Cell Adhesion Molecule 5 C191290 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CEC Circulating Endothelial Cells C96592 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CEIMCE Immature Cells/Total Cells C111234 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CELLS Cells C48938 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CELLSIM Immature Cells C96672 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CELLULAR Cellularity C111153 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CEMORPH Cell Morphology C184342 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CETP Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein C120632 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CETPA Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein Act C103380 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CFA Coefficient of Fat Absorption C176311 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CFH Complement Factor H C199918 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CFHR1 Complement Factor H-Related Protein 1 C199919 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CGA Chromogranin A C122108 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CGADJMW Choriogonadotropin Adj for Maternal Wt C161374 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CGMP Cyclic Guanosine Monophosphate C111165 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CH100 Complement CH100 C147317 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CH50 Complement CH50 C100423 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CHCM Corpuscular HGB Concentration Mean C139067 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CHCMR Ret. Corpuscular HGB Concentration Mean C138970 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CHCNT Corpuscular Hemoglobin Content C139066 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CHDH7A25 7alpha,25-Dihydroxycholesterol C181430 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CHDH7A27 7alpha,27-Dihydroxycholesterol C181431 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CHDW Corpuscular HGB Conc Distribution Width C139068 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CHDWR Ret Corpuscular HGB Conc Distr Width C139069 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CHE24S25 24(S),25-Epoxycholesterol C181423 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CHITTDS Chitotriosidase C187795 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CHLMCRN Chylomicrons C120633 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CHLMCRNT Chylomicron Triglyceride C174302 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CHLRHDRT Chloral Hydrate C184612 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CHLRPMZN Chlorpromazine C177968 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CHOL Cholesterol C105586 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CHOLATE Cholate C172499 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CHOLCM Cholate Compounds C176232 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CHOLH20S 20(S)-Hydroxycholesterol C181420 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CHOLH22R 22(R)-Hydroxycholesterol C181421 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CHOLH22S 22(S)-Hydroxycholesterol C181422 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CHOLH24R 24(R)-Hydroxycholesterol C181424 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CHOLH24S 24(S)-Hydroxycholesterol C181425 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CHOLH25 25-Hydroxycholesterol C181426 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CHOLH27 27-Hydroxycholesterol C181427 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CHOLH7A 7alpha-Hydroxycholesterol C181432 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CHOLH7B 7beta-Hydroxycholesterol C181433 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CHOLHDL Cholesterol/HDL-Cholesterol C80171 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CHOLINES Cholinesterase C92289 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CHOLK7 7-Ketocholesterol C181434 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CHOLOH4B 4-Beta-Hydroxycholesterol C156514 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CHOLSTNL Cholestanol C181435 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CHOLSULF Cholesterol Sulfate C181436 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CHYTRYP Chymotrypsin C111159 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CIC Circulating Immune Complexes C127611 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CIT Citrulline C122109 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CITCREAT Citrate/Creatinine C122110 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CITRATE Citrate C92248 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CITRTEXR Citrate Excretion Rate C163425 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CK Creatine Kinase C64489 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CKBB Creatine Kinase BB C64490 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CKBBCK Creatine Kinase BB/Total Creatine Kinase C79466 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CKMB Creatine Kinase MB C64491 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CKMBCK Creatine Kinase MB/Total Creatine Kinase C79441 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CKMM Creatine Kinase MM C64494 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CKMMCK Creatine Kinase MM/Total Creatine Kinase C79442 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CKMT1CK CK, Macromolecular Type 1/Total CK C147319 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CKMT2CK CK, Macromolecular Type 2/Total CK C147320 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CL Chloride C64495 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CLARITY Clarity C96594 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CLCLR Chloride Clearance C106509 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CLCREAT Chloride/Creatinine C79440 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CLCTONN Calcitonin C74848 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CLCTRIOL Calcitriol C74849 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CLEPNSQE Columnar Epi Cells/Non-Squam Epi Cells C135405 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CLEXR Chloride Excretion Rate C150816 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CLNZPM Clonazepam C139082 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CLOBAZAM Clobazam C184613 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CLOSTBL Clostebol C184581 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CLOTRTC Clot Retraction C181438 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CLOTRTCT Clot Retraction Time C181437 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CLPHTRMN Chlorphentermine C184580 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CLRDZPXD Chlordiazepoxide C75371 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CLRZPT Clorazepate C139077 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CLT Clot Lysis Time C187805 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CLUECE Clue Cells C102261 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CLZPMAOM Clonazepam and/or Metabolites C186031 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CMONOX Carbon Monoxide C139084 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CMPK2 Cytidine-Uridine Monophosphate Kinase 2 C163426 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CNTF Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor C199890 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CO2 Carbon Dioxide C64545 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired COAGIDX Coagulation Index C112239 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired COCAAOM Cocaine and/or Metabolites C172490 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired COCAETH Cocaethylene C156510 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired COCAINE Cocaine C74690 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired COCAM Cocaine Metabolites C172491 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired COCBNZEC Cocaine Benzoylecgonine Ecgonine C142274 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CODEINE Codeine C74877 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired COL4 Collagen Type IV C103383 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired COLOR Color C64546 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired COMP Cartilage Oligomeric Matrix Protein C111145 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CONDUCTU Urine Conductivity C102282 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CONSIST Consistency C95110 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired COPEP Copeptin C127612 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired COPPER Copper C111161 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired COQ10 Ubiquinone 10 C147321 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CORCREAT Cortisol/Creatinine C106512 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CORTFR Cortisol, Free C88113 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CORTISOL Cortisol C74781 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CORTOLA Alpha Cortol C186032 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CORTOLNA Alpha Cortolone C186033 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired COTININE Cotinine C92249 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CPB2 Carboxypeptidase B2 C165953 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CPEPCRT C-peptide/Creatinine C150837 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CPEPEXR C-Peptide Excretion Rate C187796 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CPEPTIDE C-peptide C74736 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CRBMZPN Carbamazepine C147322 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CREAT Creatinine C64547 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CREATCLR Creatinine Clearance C25747 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CREATEXR Creatinine Excretion Rate C150817 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CRENCE Crenated Cells C74703 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CRH Corticotropin Releasing Hormone C74851 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CRLPLSMN Ceruloplasmin C100432 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CRNTESTR Carnitine Esters C147323 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CROTNALD Crotonaldehyde C204648 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CRP C Reactive Protein C64548 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CRSPRDL Carisoprodol C184611 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CRTCLRBS Creatinine Clearance Adjusted for BSA C147324 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CRTCLRE Creatinine Clearance, Estimated C150847 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CRTCREAT Corticosterone/Creatinine C106511 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CRTFREXR Cortisol, Free Excretion Rate C163427 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CRTN Carotene C186034 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CRTRONE Corticosterone C79434 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CRYGLBSR Cryoglobulin Volume/Serum Volume C147325 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CRYOFBRN Cryofibrinogen C147326 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CRYOGLBN Cryoglobulin C111164 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CRYSTALS Crystals C74673 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CSBACT Bacterial Casts C74762 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CSBROAD Broad Casts C96588 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CSCELL Cellular Casts C74764 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CSCYL Cylindroid Casts C150838 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CSEPI Epithelial Casts C74779 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CSEPI846 Aggrecan Chondroitin Sulfate Epitope 846 C112220 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CSEPIR Renal Epithelial Casts C174229 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CSEPIRT Renal Tubular Epithelial Casts C174292 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CSFAT Fatty Casts C74766 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CSFIGIDX CSF IgG Index C154735 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CSGRAN Granular Casts C74768 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CSGRANC Granular Coarse Casts C74765 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CSGRANF Granular Fine Casts C74769 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CSHYAL Hyaline Casts C74770 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CSHYGR Hyalogranular Casts C174305 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CSMIX Mixed Casts C74771 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CSPATH Pathologic Casts C186035 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CSPIG Pigment Casts C189518 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CSRBC RBC Casts C74772 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CSUNCLA Unclassified Casts C74776 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CSWAX Waxy Casts C74777 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CSWBC WBC Casts C74778 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CTC Circulating Tumor Cells C96593 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CTCAPOP Circulating Tumor Cells, Apoptotic C186036 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CTCHLMN Catecholamines C186037 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CTCTRAD Circulating Tumor Cells, Traditional C186038 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CTGF Connective Tissue Growth Factor C189504 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CTLCREAT Citrulline/Creatinine C189500 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CTLPRM Citalopram C147327 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CTLPRMD Desmethylcitalopram C189494 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CTLPRMDD Di-Desmethylcitalopram C189655 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CTOT Complement Total C80160 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CTSD Cathepsin D C199917 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CTXI Type I Collagen C-Telopeptides C82038 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CTXIB Type I Collagen C-Telopeptides Beta C187792 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CTXICRT Type I Collagen C-Telopeptides/Creat C127613 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CTXII Type II Collagen C-Telopeptides C82040 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CTXIICRT Type II Collagen C-Telopeptides/Creat C122113 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CX3CL1 Chemokine (C-X3-C Motif) Ligand 1 C161361 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CXCL1 Chemokine (C-X-C Motif) Ligand 1 C128952 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CXCL10 Chemokine (C-X-C Motif) Ligand 10 C112238 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CXCL11 Chemokine (C-X-C Motif) Ligand 11 C161360 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CXCL12 Chemokine (C-X-C Motif) Ligand 12 C165954 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CXCL13 Chemokine (C-X-C Motif) Ligand 13 C147328 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CXCL2 Chemokine (C-X-C Motif) Ligand 2 C186039 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CXCL3 Chemokine (C-X-C Motif) Ligand 3 C147329 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CXCL4 Chemokine (C-X-C Motif) Ligand 4 C147330 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CXCL6 Chemokine (C-X-C Motif) Ligand 6 C130159 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CXCL7 Chemokine (C-X-C Motif) Ligand 7 C165955 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CXCL9 Chemokine (C-X-C Motif) Ligand 9 C165956 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CXCR3 Chemokine (C-X-C Motif) Receptor 3 C100431 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CXCR4 Chemokine (C-X-C Motif) Receptor 4 C187797 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CYAMMBIU Ammonium Biurate Crystals C105590 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CYAMMOX Ammonium Oxalate Crystals C74759 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CYAMORPH Amorphous Crystals C74665 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CYAMPPH Amorphous Phosphate Crystals C92243 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CYAMPURT Amorphous Urate Crystals C92244 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CYBILI Bilirubin Crystals C74668 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CYCACAR Calcium Carbonate Crystals C74669 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CYCAOXA Calcium Oxalate Crystals C74670 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CYCAPHOS Calcium Phosphate Crystals C74671 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CYCASULF Calcium Sulfate Crystals C124340 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CYCHOL Cholesterol Crystals C74672 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CYCYSTIN Cystine Crystals C74674 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CYDCPHOS Dicalcium Phosphate Crystals C135407 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CYDRUG Drug Crystals C156533 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CYFRA18 Cytokeratin 18 Fragment C130160 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CYFRA211 Cytokeratin 19 Fragment 21-1 C106514 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CYHGBC Hemoglobin C Crystals C112288 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CYHIPPAC Hippuric Acid Crystals C74754 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CYLEUC Leucine Crystals C74680 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CYMSU Monosodium Urate Crystals C74681 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CYP2C9 Cytochrome P450 2C9 C161355 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CYPHOS Phosphate Crystals C174304 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CYSCREAT Cystatin C/Creatinine C106513 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CYSLTR1 Cysteinyl Leukotriene Receptor 1 C189517 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CYSTARCH Starch Crystals C81951 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CYSTATB Cystatin B C199920 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CYSTATC Cystatin C C92290 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CYSTEINE Cysteine C172518 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CYSTHION Cystathionine C147331 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CYSTINE Cystine C105441 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CYSULFA Sulfa Crystals C74755 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CYTRPHOS Triple Phosphate Crystals C74756 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CYTYRO Tyrosine Crystals C74683 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CYUNCLA Unclassified Crystals C74757 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired CYURIAC Uric Acid Crystals C74684 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired DALA Delta Aminolevulinate C156537 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired DALACRT Delta Aminolevulinate/Creatinine C156538 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired DCA Deoxycholate C172500 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired DCCARNIT Decanoylcarnitine C156536 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired DDIMER D-Dimer C82621 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired DDNAIGAB Anti-Double Stranded DNA IgG C154769 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired DDX58 DEAD Box Protein 58 C163428 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired DECORIN Decorin C172512 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired DENSITY Density C45781 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired DESIPRMN Desipramine C186040 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired DETHPRPN Diethylpropion C184614 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired DFI DNA Fragmentation Index C135408 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired DGNWBC Degenerated Leukocytes C111190 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired DHEA Dehydroepiandrosterone C74852 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired DHEAS Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate C96629 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired DHPG 3,4-Dihydroxyphenylglycol C101017 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired DHT Dihydrotestosterone C74853 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired DIHYDCDN Dihydrocodeine C74878 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired DKK1 Dickkopf WNT Signaling Path Inhibitor 1 C165957 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired DMG Dimethylglycine C172519 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired DMTNN N,N-Dimethyltryptamine C184536 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid C135409 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired DNPSEPHD D-Norpseudoephedrine C174298 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired DOHLE Dohle Bodies C74610 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired DOPAC 3,4-Dihydroxyphenylacetic Acid C103345 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired DOPAMEXR Dopamine Excretion Rate C163429 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired DOPAMINE Dopamine C74854 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired DOXMTST Desoxymethyltestosterone C184582 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired DOXPN Doxepin C191285 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired DOXPNAOM Doxepin and/or Metabolites C186041 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired DPD Deoxypyridinoline C79443 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired DPDCREAT Deoxypyridinoline/Creatinine C79444 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired DPHNOXLT Diphenoxylate C184569 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired DPIPANON Dipipanone C184540 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired DPPIV Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 C177992 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired DRSTNLN Drostanolone C184583 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired DRUGSCR Drug Screen C78139 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired DRVTSCPD dRVVT Screen to Confirm Pct Difference C161373 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired DRVVT Dilute Russell's Viper Venom Time C96696 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired DRVVTRT Dilute Russell's Viper Venom Time Ratio C103386 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired DRVVTSCR DRVVT Screen to Confirm Ratio C163430 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired DSVLFXN Desvenlafaxine C147333 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired DTPACLR DTPA Clearance C100441 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired DULOXTN Duloxetine C187798 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired DUPAN2 DU-PAN-2 C201431 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired DXCSD11 11-Deoxycorticosteroids C186042 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired DXCSL11 11-Deoxycortisol C186043 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired DXCSL21 21-Deoxycortisol C186044 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired DXCSN11 11-Deoxycorticosterone C186045 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired DXCSN21 21-Deoxycorticosterone C186046 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired DZPM Diazepam C75372 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired E1S Estrone Sulfate C163431 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired EAGLUC Glucose, Estimated Average C142275 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ECCENTCY Eccentrocytes C96598 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ECT Ecarin Clotting Time C100422 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired EDDP EDDP C75353 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired EDMAB Endomysial Antibody C163432 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired EDMIGAAB Endomysial IgA Antibody C147334 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired EDN Eosinophil-Derived Neurotoxin C184644 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired EDTACLR EDTA Clearance C100440 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired EGF Epidermal Growth Factor C82009 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired EGFR Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor C112273 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired EGFRFR Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor, Free C181452 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ELA1 Pancreatic Elastase 1 C82028 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ELA1PMN Pancreatic Elastase 1, Polymorphonuclear C82029 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ELA2 Neutrophil Elastase C82026 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ELA2PMN Neutrophil Elastase, Polymorphonuclear C82027 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ELLIPCY Elliptocytes C64549 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired EMA Ethylamphetamine C184555 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ENA78 Epith Neutrophil-Activating Peptide 78 C82010 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ENDOSTN Endostatin C172509 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ENDOTH1 Endothelin-1 C82008 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ENDOTH3 Endothelin-3 C187800 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ENRAGE Extracell Newly Ident RAGE Bind Protein C82011 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired EOS Eosinophils C64550 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired EOSB Eosinophils Band Form C114216 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired EOSBLE Eosinophils Band Form/Leukocytes C114217 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired EOSCE Eosinophils/Total Cells C98720 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired EOSIM Immature Eosinophils C96673 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired EOSIMLE Immature Eosinophils/Leukocytes C96674 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired EOSLE Eosinophils/Leukocytes C64604 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired EOSMM Eosinophilic Metamyelocytes C84819 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired EOSMYL Eosinophilic Myelocytes C84821 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired EOSMYLLY Eosinophilic Myelocytes/Lymphocytes C181449 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired EOSNSQE Eosinophils/Non-Squam Epi Cells C135411 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired EOSPSD Pseudo-Eosinophils C165958 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired EOSPSDLE Pseudo-Eosinophils/Leukocytes C165959 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired EOSSG Eosinophils, Segmented C135412 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired EOTAXIN1 Eotaxin-1 C81952 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired EOTAXIN2 Eotaxin-2 C81953 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired EOTAXIN3 Eotaxin-3 C81954 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired EPHD Ephedrine C174296 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired EPIC Epithelial Cells C64605 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired EPICCE Epithelial Cells/Total Cells C130161 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired EPICCLMP Epithelial Cell Clumps C187801 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired EPIN Epinephrine C79445 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired EPINEXR Epinephrine Excretion Rate C163433 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired EPINSQCE Non-Squamous Epithelial Cells C135413 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired EPINSQE Epi Cells/Non-Squam Epi Cells C135414 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired EPIRCE Renal Epithelial Cells C170595 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired EPIROCE Round Epithelial Cells C74698 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired EPISCECE Squamous Epithelial Cells/Total Cells C132366 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired EPISQCE Squamous Epithelial Cells C74773 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired EPISQTCE Squamous Transitional Epithelial Cells C74774 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired EPITCE Transitional Epithelial Cells C92251 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired EPITUCE Tubular Epithelial Cells C74775 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired EPO Erythropoietin C74855 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired EPSTI1 Epithelial Stromal Interaction Protein 1 C163434 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ERCE Erythroid Cells C204637 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ERCECE Erythroid Cells/Total Cells C154719 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ERCEMIDX Erythroid Maturation Index C135415 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ERCEMPOL Erythroid Maturation Pool C135416 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ERCENC Erythroid Cells/Nucleated Cells C154720 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ERCEPIDX Erythroid Proliferation Index C135417 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ERCEPPOL Erythroid Proliferation Pool C135418 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired EREG Epiregulin C199891 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ERFE Erythroferrone C186047 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ERPCE Erythroid Precursor Cells C187802 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ERPCECE Erythroid Precursor Cells/Total Cells C187803 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ESCTLPRM Escitalopram C187804 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ESELECT E-Selectin C154736 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ESELS Soluble E-Selectin C119273 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate C74611 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ESTAZLM Estazolam C184615 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ESTFR Estradiol, Free C150842 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ESTFREST Estradiol, Free/Estradiol C150843 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ESTRCPT Estrogen Receptor C112274 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ESTRDIOL Estradiol C74782 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ESTRIOL Estriol C74856 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ESTRIOLF Estriol, Free C81963 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ESTROGEN Estrogen C147335 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ESTRONE Estrone C74857 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ETG Ethyl Glucuronide C170584 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ETGETS Ethyl Glucuronide Ethyl Sulfate C170583 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ETHANOL Ethanol C74693 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ETHCHVNL Ethchlorvynol C184616 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ETHESTNL Ethylestrenol C184584 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ETHNMATE Ethinamate C184617 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ETP Endogenous Thrombin Potential C102266 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ETPAUC ETP Area Under Curve C102263 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ETPLT ETP Lag Time C102264 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ETPLTR ETP Lag Time Relative C102265 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ETPPH ETP Peak Height C102267 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ETPPHR ETP Peak Height Relative C102268 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ETPTP ETP Time to Peak C102269 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ETPTPR ETP Time to Peak Relative C102270 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ETS Ethyl Sulfate C170585 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired EUDCA Epimerized Ursodeoxycholate C176304 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired EZOGABIN Ezogabine C184640 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FABP1 Fatty Acid Binding Protein 1 C82012 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FABP3 Fatty Acid Binding Protein 3 C106521 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FABP4 Fatty Acid Binding Protein 4 C199922 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FACTII Factor II C96626 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FACTIII Factor III C81959 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FACTIX Factor IX C98725 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FACTIXA Factor IX Activity C103395 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FACTV Factor V C98726 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FACTVA Factor V Activity C103396 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FACTVII Factor VII C81960 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FACTVIIA Factor VII Activity C103397 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FACTVIII Factor VIII C81961 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FACTVL Factor V Leiden C102271 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FACTVW von Willebrand Factor C98799 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FACTVWA von Willebrand Factor Activity C122117 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FACTVWMU von Willebrand Factor Multimers C147336 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FACTX Factor X C98727 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FACTXA Factor X Activity C122118 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FACTXI Factor XI C163435 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FACTXIA Factor XI Activity C163436 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FACTXII Factor XII C163437 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FACTXIIA Factor XII Activity C163438 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FACTXIII Factor XIII C112277 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FACTXIV Factor XIV C102272 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FACTXIVA Factor XIV Activity C105442 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FAI Free Androgen Index C124341 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FAS Fas Cell Surface Death Receptor C165960 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FASLG Fas Ligand C199921 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FAT Fat C96648 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FATACFR Free Fatty Acid C80200 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FATACFRS Free Fatty Acid, Saturated C80206 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FATACFRU Free Fatty Acid, Unsaturated C80209 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FATACVLC Fatty Acids, Very Long Chain C147337 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FATBODOV Fat Bodies, Oval C81947 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FATDROP Fat Droplet C98728 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FATLVIDX Fatty Liver Index C156516 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FATTOTSD Fat/Total Solids C187806 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FBNCTCE Fibronectin, Cellular C172507 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FBNCTFT Fibronectin, Fetal C92786 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FBNCTMFT Fibronectin, Maternal + Fetal C177951 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FBNCTPL Fibronectin, Plasma C172508 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FBRTST FibroTest Score C105443 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FCTVIIAA Factor VIIa Activity C103398 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FCTVIIIA Factor VIII Activity C103399 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FCTXIIIA Factor XIII Activity C174313 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FDP Fibrin Degradation Products C82013 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FECA Fractional Calcium Excretion C114219 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FECL Fractional Chloride Excretion C114220 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FEK Fractional Potassium Excretion C114222 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FEMG Fractional Magnesium Excretion C122119 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FEN3M 3-Methylfentanyl C184525 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FENA Fractional Sodium Excretion C107435 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FENACE Acetylfentanyl C184528 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FENAM Alpha-Methylfentanyl C184537 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FENBOHT Beta-Hydroxythiofentanyl C184530 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FENBUT Butyrylfentanyl C184533 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FENCMFMN Fencamfamin C184618 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FENFLRMN Fenfluramine C184619 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FENFUR Furanylfentanyl C184541 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FENPF Para-Fluorofentanyl C184558 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FENPRPRX Fenproporex C184620 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FENTANYL Fentanyl C147338 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FENVAL Valerylfentanyl C184607 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FEP Erythrocyte Protoporphyrin, Free C147339 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FEPI Fractional Phosphorus Excretion C114221 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FERRITIN Ferritin C74737 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FGF19 Fibroblast Growth Factor 19 C154727 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FGF21 Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 C112280 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FGF23 Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 C96650 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FGF23C Fibroblast Growth Factor 23, C-Terminal C135419 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FGF23I Fibroblast Growth Factor 23, Intact C135420 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FGF9 Fibroblast Growth Factor 9 C130162 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FGFBF Fibroblast Growth Factor Basic Form C82014 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FIBMONO Fibrin Monomer C189498 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FIBRINO Fibrinogen C64606 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FIBRINOF Fibrinogen, Functional C139075 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FICOLIN3 Ficolin-3 C198283 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FIO2 Fraction of Inspired Oxygen C38082 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FIXAAC Factor IX Activity Actual/Control C170588 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FLNTRZPM Flunitrazepam C139081 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FLRZPM Flurazepam C75373 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FLT3 FMS-like Receptor Tyrosine Kinase 3 C174307 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FLT3L FMS-like Tyrosine Kinase 3 Ligand C174306 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FLUDOUTE Fluid Output, Estimated C171508 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FLUIDOUT Fluid Output C171455 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FLUORIDE Fluoride C122120 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FLUOXTN Fluoxetine C158219 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FLUOXTNN Norfluoxetine C187816 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FLUPHZN Fluphenazine C177980 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FLUVOXAM Fluvoxamine C147340 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FLXMSTRN Fluoxymesterone C184585 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FNZPMAOM Flunitrazepam and/or Metabolites C186048 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FOLHMRNA Folate Hydrolase mRNA C132367 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FORMALD Formaldehyde C204649 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FPP Protoporphyrin, Free C147341 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FRFEABS Fractional Iron Absorption C161349 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FRNG Glycated Ferritin C186049 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FRNGFRN Glycated Ferritin/Ferritin C186050 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FRTNHC Ferritin Heavy Chain C172521 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FRTNLC Ferritin Light Chain C172522 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FRUCT Fructosamine C74678 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FRUCTOSE Fructose C147342 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FRUMCRTP Fructosamine Corrected for Total Protein C161350 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FRZPMAOM Flurazepam and/or Metabolites C186051 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FSH Follicle Stimulating Hormone C74783 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FUNGI Fungi C154813 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FUNGIFIL Fungi, Filamentous C147343 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FUNGYLK Fungi, Yeast-Like C147344 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FURAZBL Furazabol C184586 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FVAAC Factor V Activity Actual/Control C170587 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FVIIAAC Factor VII Activity Actual/Control C170589 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FVIIIAAC Factor VIII Activity Actual/Control C147345 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FXAAC Factor X Activity Actual/Control C170586 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FXAC Factor X Actual/Control C170590 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FXIVAAC Factor XIV Activity Actual/Control C147346 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired FXIVAC Factor XIV Actual/Control C170594 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired G6PD Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase C80184 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired G6PDA Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Act C139065 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired G6PDRBC G6PD-Deficient Erythrocytes C132368 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired G6PDRBRB G6PD-Deficient Erythrocytes/Erythrocytes C132369 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GAA Acid Alpha-Glucosidase C189502 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GAD1 Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase 1 C82015 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GAD2 Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase 2 C82016 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GAL Galactose C81308 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GAL1PHOS Galactose-1-Phosphate C186052 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GAL1PUT Galactose-1-Phos Uridylyltransferase C81251 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GALANIN Galanin C80182 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GALM Galactose Mutarotase C163439 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GAMBTAC Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid C154766 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GAPDH Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase C184524 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GASTRIN Gastrin C74858 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GATCPHRL Gamma Tocopherol C116211 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GBA Glucosylceramidase Beta C184520 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GBP1 Guanylate Binding Protein 1 C163440 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GBP2 Guanylate Binding Protein 2 C163441 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GCDCA Glycochenodeoxycholate C176305 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GCHT Glycocholate C176299 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GCSF Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor C82018 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GDA Guanine Deaminase C150845 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GDF11 Growth Differentiation Factor 11 C135422 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GDF15 Growth Differentiation Factor 15 C181406 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GDF2 Growth Differentiation Factor 2 C199913 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GDF8 Growth Differentiation Factor 8 C135423 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GDIGA1 Galactose-Deficient IgA1 C165961 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GEC Galactose Elimination Capacity C124342 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GFAP Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein C189528 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GFR Glomerular Filtration Rate C90505 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GFRBSA Glomerular Filtration Rate Adj for BSA C98734 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GFRBSB2M GFR from B-2 Microglobulin Adj for BSA C100450 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GFRBSBTP GFR from Beta-Trace Protein Adj for BSA C100449 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GFRBSCCC GFR from Cystatin C and Creat Adj BSA C127614 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GFRBSCRT GFR from Creatinine Adjusted for BSA C98735 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GFRBSCU GFR from Creat and UreaN Adj BSA C163442 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GFRBSCUA GFR from Creat,UreaN,Alb Adj BSA C163443 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GFRBSCYC GFR from Cystatin C Adjusted for BSA C98736 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GFRE Glomerular Filtration Rate, Estimated C110935 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GGT Gamma Glutamyl Transferase C64847 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GGTCREAT Gamma Glutamyl Transferase/Creatinine C79446 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GGTEXR GammaGlutamyl Transferase Excretion Rate C165962 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GHB Gamma-Hydroxybutyrate C75357 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GHBP Growth Hormone Binding Protein C163444 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GHRELIN Ghrelin C112286 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GHRELINA Active Ghrelin C112219 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GIPI Glucose-dep Insulinotropic Pep, Intact C106537 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GL1 Glucosylceramide C184522 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GLBCREAT Globulin/Creatinine C142276 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GLCHT Glycolithocholate C176308 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GLCTN3 Galectin-3 C172493 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GLCTN3BP Galectin-3 Binding Protein C186053 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GLDH Glutamate Dehydrogenase C79448 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GLN Glutamine C122121 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GLOBA Alpha Globulin C163445 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GLOBA1 Alpha-1 Globulin C92252 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GLOBA1PT Alpha-1 Globulin/Total Protein C92253 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GLOBA2 Alpha-2 Globulin C92254 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GLOBA2PT Alpha-2 Globulin/Total Protein C92255 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GLOBB Beta Globulin C92256 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GLOBB1 Beta-1 Globulin C119274 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GLOBB1BP Beta-1 Globulin/Beta Protein C142277 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GLOBB1PT Beta-1 Globulin/Total Protein C119275 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GLOBB2 Beta-2 Globulin C119276 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GLOBB2PT Beta-2 Globulin/Total Protein C119277 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GLOBBPT Beta Globulin/Total Protein C92294 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GLOBG Gamma Globulin C92257 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GLOBGPT Gamma Globulin/Total Protein C92295 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GLOBUL Globulin C74738 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GLP1 Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 C80183 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GLP1AC Glucagon-Like Peptide-1, Active Form C80164 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GLP1IAC Glucagon-Like Peptide-1, Inactive Form C154768 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GLTRCE Glitter Cells C150844 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GLTTHMD Glutethimide C184571 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GLUBD13 1,3-Beta-D-Glucan C132370 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GLUC Glucose C105585 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GLUCAGON Glucagon C74859 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GLUCCLR Glucose Clearance C96652 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GLUCCRT Glucose/Creatinine C79447 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GLUCEXR Glucose Excretion Rate C150818 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GLUCPE Plasma Equivalent Glucose C163446 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GLUCPED Plasma Equivalent Glucose Distribution C163447 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GLUCWBE Whole Blood Equivalent Glucose C176296 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GLURLGLU Glucose, Radiolabeled/Glucose C186054 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GLUTAM Glutamate C74739 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GLY Glycine C122122 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GLYCREAT Glycine/Creatinine C158221 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GLYCRL Glycerol C132371 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GLYCRLFR Free Glycerol C100448 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GM3 Ganglioside GM3 C184516 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GMCSF Granulocyte Macrophage Colony Stm Factor C82019 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GMI Glucose Management Indicator C174310 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GNRH Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone C74860 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GOLD Gold C80186 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GPBB Glycogen Phosphorylase Isoenzyme BB C198284 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GPDA Glycylproline Dipeptidyl Aminopeptidase C187807 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GRAN Granulocytes C96654 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GRANB Granulocytes Band Form C186055 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GRANBCE Granulocytes Band Form/Total Cells C127615 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GRANCE Granulocytes/Total Cells C98866 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GRANIM Immature Granulocytes C96675 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GRANIMLE Immature Granulocytes/Leukocytes C100445 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GRANLE Granulocytes/Leukocytes C147351 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GRANSG Granulocytes Segmented C186056 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GRANSGCE Granulocytes Segmented/Total Cells C127616 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GRANULIN Granulin C165963 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GRN Progranulin C165964 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GRO Growth Regulated Oncogene C186057 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GRWHIH Growth Hormone Inhibiting Hormone C74861 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GRWHRH Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone C74862 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GST Glutathione S-Transferase, Total C80185 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GSTAL Alpha Glutathione-S-Transferase C79433 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GSTALCRT Glutathione S-Transferase, Alpha/Creat C80166 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GSTALEXR Alpha-GST Excretion Rate C119278 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GSTCREAT Glutathione-S-Transferase/Creatinine C79435 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GSTMU Mu Glutathione-S-Transferase C79457 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GSTMUCRT Mu Glutathione-S-Transferase/Creatinine C79458 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GSTPI Glutathione S-Transferase, Pi C80203 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GSTPIEXR Pi-GST Excretion Rate C119279 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GSTTH Glutathione S-Transferase, Theta C80207 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GSTY1 Glutathione S-Transferase, Y1 C163449 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GUDCA Glycoursodeoxycholate C176302 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GUSA Glucuronidase, Alpha C80165 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired GUSB Glucuronidase, Beta C80170 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired H2FLRZPM Hydroxyethylflurazepam C181419 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired H411DC6A 6a OH-tetrahydro-11-DeH-Corticosterone C186058 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired H411DS6A 6a OH-tetrahydro-11-Deoxycortisol C186059 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HAHA Human Anti-Human Antibody C165965 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HAIRYCE Hairy Cells C74604 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HALLUC Hallucinogen C75343 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HALOPRDL Haloperidol C177964 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HALPRZLA Alpha-Hydroxyalprazolam C177954 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HALPRZLM Hydroxyalprazolam C147352 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HAMAB Human Anti-Mouse Antibody C103406 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HAPTOG Haptoglobin C74740 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HASIGEAB Human Anti-Sheep IgE Antibody C98740 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HASIGGAB Human Anti-Sheep IgG Antibody C98741 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HASIGMAB Human Anti-Sheep IgM Antibody C98742 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HBA1A Hemoglobin A1A C163450 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HBA1B Hemoglobin A1B C163451 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HBA1C Hemoglobin A1C C64849 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HBA1CHGB Hemoglobin A1C/Hemoglobin C111207 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HBA2PHB Hemoglobin A2 Prime/Total Hemoglobin C147353 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HBBARTHB Hemoglobin Barts/Total Hemoglobin C147354 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HBCOHGB Carboxyhemoglobin/Total Hemoglobin C147355 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HBEGF Heparin Binding EGF Like Growth Factor C199892 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HBGCHTHB Hemoglobin G Coushatta/Total Hemoglobin C147356 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HBHIB Hemoglobin H Inclusion Bodies C158234 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HBLEPRHB Hemoglobin Lepore/Total Hemoglobin C147357 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HBOARBHB Hemoglobin O-Arab/Total Hemoglobin C147358 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HBOXHGB Oxyhemoglobin/Total Hemoglobin C147359 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HCG Choriogonadotropin Beta C64851 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HCGFR Choriogonadotropin Beta, Free C147360 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HCGND Choriogonadotropin C147128 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HCGNDI Choriogonadotropin, Intact C147361 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HCH4 Hydrogen+Methane C186060 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HCHT Hyocholate C176300 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HCOA3 3beta-Hydroxy-5-Cholestenoic Acid C181428 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HCT Hematocrit C64796 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HDL HDL Cholesterol C105587 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HDL2 HDL-Cholesterol Subclass 2 C80187 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HDL3 HDL-Cholesterol Subclass 3 C80188 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HDLCCHOL HDL Cholesterol/Total Cholesterol C147362 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HDLCLDLC HDL Cholesterol/LDL Cholesterol C100425 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HDLPL HDL Phospholipid C156513 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HDLPSZ HDL Particle Size C103402 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HDR51AGT HLA-DR51 Antigen Type C189510 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HDR52AGT HLA-DR52 Antigen Type C189511 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HDR53AGT HLA-DR53 Antigen Type C189512 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HDW Hemoglobin Distribution Width C106525 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HDWR Ret Hemoglobin Distribution Width C139070 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HE4 Human Epididymis Protein 4 C163452 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HEINZ Heinz Bodies C74709 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HEINZRBC Heinz Bodies/Erythrocytes C111206 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HELMETCE Helmet Cells C74658 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HELMOV10 Helicase MOV-10 Protein C165966 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HEMOLYSI Hemolytic Index C111208 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HEPARIN Heparin C165967 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HEPBP Heparin-Binding Protein C204636 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HEPCIDIN Hepcidin C174387 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HEPSIN Hepsin C199897 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HER2 Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2 C112312 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HER2S Soluble HER2 C112291 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HERC5 Hect Domain and RLD 5 C163453 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HETRPH Heterophils C116186 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HETRPHLE Heterophils/Leukocytes C116187 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HEXA Hexosaminidase A C181411 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HEXK Hexokinase C96668 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HGB Hemoglobin C64848 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HGBA Hemoglobin A C92258 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HGBA1HGB Hemoglobin A1/Total Hemoglobin C147363 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HGBA2 Hemoglobin A2 C92259 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HGBA2HGB Hemoglobin A2/Total Hemoglobin C81277 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HGBAHGB Hemoglobin A/Total Hemoglobin C81276 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HGBB Hemoglobin B C92260 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HGBC Hemoglobin C C92261 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HGBCHGB Hemoglobin C/Total Hemoglobin C81278 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HGBCS Hemoglobin Casts C156515 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HGBDHGB Hemoglobin D/Total Hemoglobin C147364 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HGBDOXY Deoxyhemoglobin C124343 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HGBEHGB Hemoglobin E/Total Hemoglobin C147365 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HGBF Hemoglobin F C92262 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HGBFHGB Hemoglobin F/Total Hemoglobin C147366 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HGBFPATN Hemoglobin Fraction Pattern C161363 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HGBFR Hemoglobin, Free C127617 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HGBMET Methemoglobin C96689 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HGBMHGB Methemoglobin/Total Hemoglobin C147367 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HGBOXY Oxyhemoglobin C96616 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HGBS Hemoglobin S C122123 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HGBSHGB Hemoglobin S/Total Hemoglobin C81279 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HGBTET Hemoglobin Tetramer C135425 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HGBVAR Hemoglobin Variants C103845 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HGF Hepatocyte Growth Factor C135426 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HGFR Hepatocyte Growth Factor Receptor C172514 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HGFRFR Hepatocyte Growth Factor Receptor, Free C181453 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HGPRT Hypoxanthine-Guanine PRT C187809 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HIS Histidine C122124 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HISTAMIN Histamine C80189 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HLAA HLA Class IA Antigen C154746 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HLAA03 HLA A03 Antigen C181440 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HLAA2 HLA A2 Antigen C181441 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HLAA23A HLA-A23 Antibody C128953 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HLAA24 HLA A24 Antigen C181442 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HLAA2AB HLA-A2 Antibody C128954 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HLAA3 HLA A3 Antigen C181443 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HLAAAGT HLA-A Antigen Type C128955 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HLAAMSC HLA-A Mismatch Count C128956 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HLAB HLA Class IB Antigen C154747 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HLAB27AG HLA-B27 Antigen C100460 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HLABAGT HLA-B Antigen Type C128957 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HLABMSC HLA-B Mismatch Count C128958 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HLAC HLA Class IC Antigen C154748 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HLACW HLA Cw Antigen C181439 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HLADPA1 HLA DP Alpha1 Antigen C181417 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HLADPB HLA DP Beta Antigen C181444 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HLADPB1 HLA DP Beta1 Antigen C154751 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HLADQ2 HLA DQ2 Antigen C186061 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HLADQ8 HLA DQ8 Antigen C186062 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HLADQA1 HLA DQ Alpha1 Antigen C181416 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HLADQB1 HLA DQ Beta1 Antigen C154750 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HLADR HLA DR Antigen C176962 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HLADR51A HLA-DR51 Antibody C128959 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HLADR52A HLA-DR52 Antibody C128960 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HLADR53A HLA-DR53 Antibody C128961 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HLADRAGT HLA-DR Antigen Type C128962 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HLADRB HLA DR Beta Antigen C181192 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HLADRB1 HLA DR Beta1 Antigen C154749 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HLADRB2 HLA DR Beta2 Antigen C181415 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HLADRB3 HLA DR Beta3 Antigen C181412 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HLADRB4 HLA DR Beta4 Antigen C181413 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HLADRB5 HLA DR Beta5 Antigen C181414 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HLADRMSC HLA-DR Mismatch Count C128963 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HLAIAB HLA Class I Antibody C128964 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HLAIIAB HLA Class II Antibody C128965 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HLAIIPRA HLA Class II Panel Reactive Antibody C128966 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HLAIPRA HLA Class I Panel Reactive Antibody C128967 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HLAMSC HLA Mismatch Count C128933 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HLZPM Halazepam C139078 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HMOSIDRN Hemosiderin C96659 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HOMOCIT Homocitrulline C154758 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HOMOCY Homocysteine C74741 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HORBCRBC Hypochromic Erythrocytes/Erythrocytes C181409 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HOWJOL Howell-Jolly Bodies C74704 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HPOCROM Hypochromia C64802 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HRRBCRBC Hyperchromic Erythrocytes/Erythrocytes C181408 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HRYCECE Hairy Cells/Total Cells C135427 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HRYCELE Hairy Cells/Leukocytes C135428 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HRYCELY Hairy Cells/Lymphocytes C74640 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HSP70 Heat Shock Protein 70 C147368 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HSP90A Heat Shock Protein 90 Alpha C147369 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HTTP Huntingtin Protein C142279 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HTTPM Huntingtin Protein, Mutant C142280 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HTTPWT Huntingtin Protein, Wild Type C191292 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HVA Homovanillic Acid C74863 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HXANSD11 11-Hydroxyandrostenedione C186063 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HXANST11 11-Hydroxyandrosterone C186064 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HXCSD17 17-Hydroxycorticosteroids C186065 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HXCSL18 18-Hydroxycortisol C186066 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HXCSN18 18-Hydroxycorticosterone C186067 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HXDX18 18-Hydroxydeoxycorticosterone C186068 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HXETCL11 11-Hydroxyetiocholanolone C186069 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HXGLUR2 2-Hydroxyglutarate C191293 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HXNE4 4-Hydroxynonenal C187788 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HXPRGN17 17-Hydroxypregnenolone C186070 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HYALUAC Hyaluronic Acid C112319 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HYDCDN Hydrocodone C74879 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HYDMDZ1 1-Hydroxymidazolam C154732 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HYDMDZ4 4-Hydroxymidazolam C154731 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HYDMRPHN Hydromorphone C74880 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HYDROGEN Hydrogen C102275 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HYPERCHR Hyperchromia C96669 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HYPGST17 17-Hydroxyprogesterone C147370 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HYPRLN Hydroxyproline C80190 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HYPSEGCE Hypersegmented Cells C74612 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired HYXLYS Hydroxylysine C154767 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IA5OHEXR 5-HydroxyindoleaceticAcid Excretion Rate C163454 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IAA5OH 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic Acid C112217 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IAA5OHCR 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic Acid/Creatinine C170578 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IAPOB IDL Apolipoprotein B C184514 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IAPP Islet Amyloid Polypeptide C127622 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IBCT Total Iron Binding Capacity C74718 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IBCU Unsaturated Iron Binding Capacity C74719 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IC512AG Islet Cell 512 Antigen C81986 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ICAM Intercellular Adhesion Molecule C124344 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ICAM1 Intercellular Adhesion Molecule 1 C124345 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ICAM3 Intercellular Adhesion Molecule 3 C165968 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ICG Indocyanine Green C184512 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ICGCLR Indocyanine Green Clearance C184513 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ICTERUSI Icteric Index C111232 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IDL IDL Cholesterol C112325 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IDLLDL IDL Cholesterol/LDL Cholesterol C187810 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IDLP IDL Particles C116197 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IDLT IDL Triglyceride C189507 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IDLVLDL3 IDL+VLDL Cholesterol Subtype 3 C147371 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IFI27 Interferon Alpha-Inducible Protein 27 C163455 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IFI44 Interferon-Induced Protein 44 C163456 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IFI44L Interferon-Induced Protein 44-Like C163457 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IFI6 Interferon Alpha-Inducible Protein 6 C163458 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IFIT1 Interferon-Induced 56 kDa Protein C163459 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IFIT3 Interferon-Induced 60 kDa Protein C163460 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IFNA Interferon Alpha C81994 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IFNA2 Interferon Alpha Type 2 C184646 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IFNB Interferon Beta C81995 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IFNG Interferon Gamma C81996 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IGA Immunoglobulin A C81969 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IGAC3 Immunoglobulin A/Complement C3 C184515 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IGAGM IgG IgM IgA Total C111233 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IGD Immunoglobulin D C98745 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IGE Immunoglobulin E C81970 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IGEFR Immunoglobulin E, Free C202392 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IGF1 Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 C74864 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IGF2 Insulin-like Growth Factor-2 C74865 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IGFBP1 Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Prot1 C128968 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IGFBP2 Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Prot2 C128969 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IGFBP3 Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Prot3 C112322 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IGFBP7 Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Prot7 C165969 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IGG Immunoglobulin G C81971 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IGG1 Immunoglobulin G Subclass 1 C122127 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IGG2 Immunoglobulin G Subclass 2 C122128 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IGG3 Immunoglobulin G Subclass 3 C122129 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IGG4 Immunoglobulin G Subclass 4 C122130 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IGGALB Immunoglobulin G/Albumin C147372 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IGGC IgG Clearance C147373 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IGGCALBC IgG Clearance/Albumin Clearance C147374 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IGGCREAT Immunoglobulin G/Creatinine C119285 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IGGSYNRT IgG Synthesis Rate C147375 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IGHG2 Immunoglobulin Heavy Constant Gamma 2 C154737 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IGHG4 Immunoglobulin Heavy Constant Gamma 4 C154738 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IGM Immunoglobulin M C81972 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IGSOL Soluble Immunoglobulin C117835 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IL122340 Interleukin 12+23 p40 C128970 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IL18BP Interleukin 18 Binding Protein C172513 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IL18EXR Interleukin 18 Excretion Rate C156519 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IL1EXR Interleukin 1 Excretion Rate C156518 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IL1R2 Interleukin 1 Receptor Type 2 C165970 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IL1RL1 Interleukin 1 Receptor-Like 1 C142281 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IL1SR1 Soluble Interleukin-1 Receptor Type I C117836 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IL2R Interleukin 2 Receptor C158147 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IL2RA Interleukin 2 Receptor Subunit Alpha C142282 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IL2RB Interleukin 2 Receptor Subunit Beta C142283 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IL2SR Soluble Interleukin 2 Receptor C158220 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IL6SR Soluble Interleukin 6 Receptor C117837 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ILE Isoleucine C103410 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ILOPRDN Iloperidone C177984 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IMIPRMN Imipramine C186071 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IMMGLB Immunoglobulin C81869 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IMMGLC Immunoglobulin Light Chains C147376 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IMMGLCFR Immunoglobulin Light Chains, Free C156517 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired INCLBOD Inclusion Bodies C116184 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired INCLBRBC Erythrocyte Inclusion Bodies C161375 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired INDICAN Indican C82044 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired INGAPAB Islet Neogenesis Assoc Protein Antibody C81987 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired INHIBINA Inhibin A C82020 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired INHIBINB Inhibin B C96681 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired INLCLR Inulin Clearance C98748 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired INR Prothrombin Intl. Normalized Ratio C64805 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired INSLNFR Insulin, Free C147377 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired INSULIN Insulin C74788 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired INSULINI Insulin, Intact C186072 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired INSULINR Insulin Resistance C123458 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired INSULINS Insulin Sensitivity C123459 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired INTLK1 Interleukin 1 C74805 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired INTLK10 Interleukin 10 C74806 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired INTLK11 Interleukin 11 C74807 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired INTLK12 Interleukin 12 C74808 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired INTLK12B Interleukin 12 Beta C127623 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired INTLK13 Interleukin 13 C74809 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired INTLK14 Interleukin 14 C74810 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired INTLK15 Interleukin 15 C74811 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired INTLK16 Interleukin 16 C74812 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired INTLK17 Interleukin 17 C74813 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired INTLK18 Interleukin 18 C74814 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired INTLK19 Interleukin 19 C74815 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired INTLK1A Interleukin 1 Alpha C122131 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired INTLK1B Interleukin 1 Beta C112323 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired INTLK1RA Interleukin 1 Receptor Antagonist C112324 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired INTLK2 Interleukin 2 C74816 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired INTLK20 Interleukin 20 C74817 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired INTLK21 Interleukin 21 C74818 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired INTLK22 Interleukin 22 C74819 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired INTLK23 Interleukin 23 C74820 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired INTLK24 Interleukin 24 C74821 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired INTLK25 Interleukin 25 C74822 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired INTLK26 Interleukin 26 C74823 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired INTLK27 Interleukin 27 C74824 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired INTLK28 Interleukin 28 C74825 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired INTLK29 Interleukin 29 C74826 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired INTLK3 Interleukin 3 C74827 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired INTLK30 Interleukin 30 C74828 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired INTLK31 Interleukin 31 C74829 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired INTLK32 Interleukin 32 C74830 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired INTLK33 Interleukin 33 C74831 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired INTLK4 Interleukin 4 C74832 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired INTLK5 Interleukin 5 C74833 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired INTLK6 Interleukin 6 C74834 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired INTLK7 Interleukin 7 C74835 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired INTLK8 Interleukin 8 C74836 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired INTLK9 Interleukin 9 C74837 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired INULIN Inulin C125945 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IODINE Iodine C181193 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IODINEFR Iodine, Free C181445 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IOHEXCLR Iohexol Clearance C100439 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IOHEXOL Iohexol C125946 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IOTCLR Iothalamate Clearance C98749 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IOTCLRBS Iothalamate Clearance Adjusted for BSA C98750 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IRF Immature Reticulocyte Fraction C102276 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IRON Iron C74679 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired IRONEXR Iron Excretion Rate C150819 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ISG15 Ubiquitin-Like Protein ISG15 C163461 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ISOPRENE Isoprene C204650 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ISOPRF2 F2-Isoprostane C80180 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ITLN1 Intelectin-1 C199903 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired JWH018 JWH-018 C184542 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired JWH073 JWH-073 C184543 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired JWH081 JWH-081 C184546 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired JWH122 JWH-122 C184547 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired JWH200 JWH-200 C184544 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired JWH250 JWH-250 C184545 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired JWH398 JWH-398 C184548 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired K Potassium C64853 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired KAPPALC Kappa Light Chain C147379 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired KBEMIDON Ketobemidone C184549 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired KCLR Potassium Clearance C106560 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired KCREAT Potassium/Creatinine C79462 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired KERAT Keratocyte C147380 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired KETAMINE Ketamine C184587 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired KETONEBD Ketone Bodies C111239 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired KETONES Ketones C64854 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired KEXR Potassium Excretion Rate C150820 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired KI67 Ki-67 C123557 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired KIM1 Kidney Injury Molecule-1 C100433 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired KIM1CRT Kidney Injury Molecule-1/Creatinine C177955 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired KIM1EXR Kidney Injury Molecule-1 Excretion Rate C163462 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired KIM1S Soluble Kidney Injury Molecule-1 C165971 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired KL6 Krebs von den Lungen-6 C154724 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired KLCFR Kappa Light Chain, Free C98730 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired KLCLLC Kappa Light Chain/Lambda Light Chain C161351 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired KLCLLCFR Kappa Lt Chain,Free/Lambda Lt Chain,Free C98731 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired KLK2 Kallikrein-2 C132374 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired KLK5 Kallikrein-5 C199900 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired KLK7 Kallikrein-7 C199898 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired KLOTHO Klotho C127624 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired KRCYMG Megakaryocytes C96688 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired KRCYMGCE Megakaryocytes/Total Cells C98867 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired KRCYMGLE Megakaryocytes/Leukocytes C154722 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired KTANST11 11-Ketoandrosterone C186073 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired KTBDEXR Ketone Bodies Excretion Rate C189519 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired KTETCL11 11-Ketoetiocholanolone C186074 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired KTGSTR17 17-Ketogenic steroids C186075 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired KTILE Ketoisoleucine C202379 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired KTLEU Ketoleucine C202378 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired KTSTR17 17-Ketosteroids C186076 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired KTVAL Ketovaline C202377 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired KURLOFCE Kurloff Cells C96682 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired KYNURNN Kynurenine C154740 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LACOSMD Lacosamide C184641 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LACTICAC Lactic Acid C79450 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LACTOSE Lactose C186077 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LACTULOS Lactulose C154741 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LAG3S Soluble Lymphocyte Activation Gene-3 C172504 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LAM Lipoarabinomannan C125947 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LAMP2 Lysosomal Associated Membrane Protein 2 C191288 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LAP Leucine Aminopeptidase C122132 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LAPOB LDL Apolipoprotein B C189508 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LCHLCM Lithocholate Compounds C176240 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LCHT Lithocholate C176307 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LCN2 Lipocalin-2 C106539 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LCN2CREA Lipocalin-2/Creatinine C106540 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LCTHSPGM Lecithin/Sphingomyelin C147381 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LDH Lactate Dehydrogenase C64855 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LDH1 LDH Isoenzyme 1 C74887 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LDH1LDH LDH Isoenzyme 1/LDH C79451 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LDH2 LDH Isoenzyme 2 C74888 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LDH2LDH LDH Isoenzyme 2/LDH C79452 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LDH3 LDH Isoenzyme 3 C74889 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LDH3LDH LDH Isoenzyme 3/LDH C79453 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LDH4 LDH Isoenzyme 4 C74890 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LDH4LDH LDH Isoenzyme 4/LDH C79454 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LDH5 LDH Isoenzyme 5 C74891 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LDH5LDH LDH Isoenzyme 5/LDH C79455 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LDHCREAT Lactate Dehydrogenase/Creatinine C79449 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LDHEXR Lactate Dehydrogenase Excretion Rate C165972 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LDL LDL Cholesterol C105588 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LDLHDL LDL Cholesterol/HDL Cholesterol C121182 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LDLOXI Oxidized LDL Cholesterol C120635 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LDLP LDL Particles C120636 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LDLPATT LDL Subtype Pattern C120637 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LDLPSZ LDL Particle Size C103412 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LDLT LDL Triglyceride C189506 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LEAD Lead C147382 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LEIM Immature Leukocytes C127625 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LEIMLE Immature Leukocytes/Leukocytes C127626 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LEPTIN Leptin C74866 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LEPTINR Leptin Receptor C199901 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LEPTO Leptocytes C174293 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LEU Leucine C122133 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LEUKASE Leukocyte Esterase C64856 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LEUKCE Leukemic Cells C116195 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LEUKCRBC Leuks Corrected for Nucl Erythrocytes C147383 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LGLUCLE Large Unstained Cells/Leukocytes C79467 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LGUNSCE Large Unstained Cells C74659 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LH Luteinizing Hormone C74790 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LIF Leukemia Inhibitory Factor C130163 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LIPASEG Lipase, Gastric C117840 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LIPASEH Lipase, Hepatic C187808 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LIPASEP Lipase, Pancreatic C117841 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LIPASET Lipase C117748 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LIPASLAL Lipase, Lysosomal Acid C117842 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LIPEMIAI Lipemic Index C111242 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LIPID Lipid C74949 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LIQUFT Liquefaction Time C142284 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LITHIUM Lithium C189505 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LLCFR Lambda Light Chain, Free C98732 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LMBDLC Lambda Light Chain C147384 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LMP2GPDH LAMP2/GAPDH C191289 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LOPRAZLM Loprazolam C184621 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LOX1 Lectin-Like Oxidized LDL Receptor-1 C198285 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LOXAPN Loxapine C177977 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LPA Lipoprotein-a C82022 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LPL Lipoprotein Lipase C174291 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LPPLA2 Lipoprotein Associated Phospholipase A2 C120638 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LRG1 Leucine Rich Alpha-2-Glycoprotein 1 C165973 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LRMZPM Lormetazepam C184622 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LRZPM Lorazepam C75374 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LSD Lysergic Acid Diethylamide C75354 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LSELS Soluble L-Selectin C172495 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LTA Lymphotoxin Alpha C132375 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LTB4 Leukotriene B4 C103413 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LTC4SN Leukotriene C4 Synthase C189516 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LTD4 Leukotriene D4 C103414 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LTE4 Leukotriene E4 C103415 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LTF Lactoferrin C82021 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LURASIDN Lurasidone C177963 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LVFBRSC Liver Fibrosis Score C147385 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LVRPHNL Levorphanol C184572 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LVTRCTM Levetiracetam C147386 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LY6E Lymphocyte Antigen 6E C163463 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LYM Lymphocytes C51949 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LYMA Lymphocytes Activated C119289 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LYMAT Lymphocytes Atypical C64818 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LYMATLE Lymphocytes Atypical/Leukocytes C64819 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LYMATLY Atypical Lymphocytes/Lymphocytes C74654 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LYMCE Lymphocytes/Total Cells C98751 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LYMCLF Lymphocytes, Clefted C147387 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LYMCLFLE Lymphocytes, Clefted/Leukocytes C147388 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LYMIM Immature Lymphocytes C100444 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LYMIMLE Immature Lymphocytes/Leukocytes C100443 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LYMLE Lymphocytes/Leukocytes C64820 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LYMLG Large Lymphocytes C158236 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LYMMCE Lymphoma Cells C74613 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LYMMCECE Lymphoma Cells/Total Cells C186078 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LYMMCELE Lymphoma Cells/Leukocytes C147389 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LYMMCELY Lymphoma Cells/Lymphocytes C74910 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LYMNE Lymphocytes/Neutrophils C186079 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LYMNSQE Lymphocytes/Non-Squam Epi Cells C135430 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LYMPHOID Lymphoid Cells C139064 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LYMPHOTC Lymphotactin C81955 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LYMPL Plasmacytoid Lymphocytes C74618 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LYMPLLE Plasmacytoid Lymphocytes/Leukocytes C158229 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LYMPLLY Plasmacytoid Lymphocytes/Lymphocytes C74648 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LYMVAC Vacuolated Lymphocytes C111329 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LYMVACLE Vacuolated Lymphocytes/Leukocytes C127627 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LYS Lysine C122134 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LYSOGL1 Glucopsychosine C184523 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired LYSOZYME Lysozyme C120640 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired M130 Scavenger Rcpt Cys-Rich Type1 Prot M130 C154728 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MABCHMCA MAB-CHMINACA C184550 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MACROBLD Macroscopic Blood C147390 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MACROCY Macrocytes C64821 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MANNITOL Mannitol C154742 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MASTCE Mast Cells C111246 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MASTCECE Mast Cells/Total Cells C111247 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MASTCELE Mast Cells/Leukocytes C187812 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MAYHEG May-Hegglin Anomaly C74614 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MAZINDOL Mazindol C184623 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MBP Myelin Basic Protein C122135 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MCA2 2-Methylcitrate C177957 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MCATHNON Methcathinone C184552 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MCH Ery. Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin C64797 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MCHC Ery. Mean Corpuscular HGB Concentration C64798 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MCP1 Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 1 C82025 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MCPHG Macrophages C74798 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MCPHGCE Macrophages/Total Cells C111244 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MCPHGLE Macrophages/Leukocytes C123460 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MCPHNSQE Macrophages/Non-Squam Epi Cells C135431 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MCPROT Monoclonal Protein C92291 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MCSF Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor C80191 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MCV Ery. Mean Corpuscular Volume C64799 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MCVRETIC MCV Reticulocytes C114215 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MDA 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine C174294 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MDALD Malondialdehyde C187811 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MDC Macrophage-Derived Chemokine C81956 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MDEA 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-ethylamphetamine C174295 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MDMA 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine C75359 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MDW Monocyte Distribution Width C201429 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MDZLM Midazolam C139083 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MDZPM Medazepam C139079 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MECONIUM Meconium C147391 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MENGL Meningeal Cells C111250 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MENGLCE Meningeal Cells/Total Cells C111251 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MEPRDN Meperidine C147392 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MERCECE Maturing Erythroid Cells/Total Cells C127628 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MERCURY Mercury C147393 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MESCALIN Mescaline C75355 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MESORDZN Mesoridazine C177979 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MET Methionine C122238 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired METAMY Metamyelocytes C74615 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired METAMYCE Metamyelocytes/Total Cells C98754 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired METAMYLE Metamyelocytes/Leukocytes C74645 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired METANEPH Metanephrine C116198 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired METANEXR Metanephrine Excretion Rate C163468 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired METARBCE Metarubricyte/Total Cells C128971 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired METARBLE Metarubricytes/Leukocytes C165974 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired METARUB Metarubricyte C128972 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired METASE Methyltransferase C187814 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired METHAMPH Methamphetamine C75348 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired METHANE Methane C186080 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired METHANOL Methanol C147394 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired METHDN Methadone C74881 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired METHPHEN Methylphenidate C170581 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired METHQLDN Methaqualone C74882 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MFENRX Mefenorex C184624 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MG Magnesium C64840 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MGB Myoglobin C79436 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MGBCREAT Myoglobin/Creatinine C106546 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MGCREAT Magnesium/Creatinine C79456 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MGION Magnesium, Ionized C175951 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MICA MHC Class I Chain Related Protein A C172502 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MICROCY Microcytes C64822 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MIDCEF Mid Cell Fraction C116199 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MIP1 Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 1 C163464 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MIP1A Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 1 Alpha C82023 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MIP1B Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 1 Beta C82024 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MIP1G Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 1 Gamma C130164 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MKCMKBMP Megakaryocyte and Megakaryoblast Morph C135432 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MLATONIN Melatonin C74867 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MLIGCE Malignant Cells, NOS C74660 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MLIGCEBC Malignant Cells, NOS/Blood Cells C74643 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MLNCPRN Milnacipran C187815 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MLR Mixed Lymphocyte Reaction C16790 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MM2IGAB Mitochondrial M2 IgG Antibody C163465 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MMA Methylmalonic Acid C96690 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MMARG Monomethylarginine C181407 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MMIF Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor C163466 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MMP1 Matrix Metalloproteinase 1 C80192 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MMP2 Matrix Metalloproteinase 2 C80193 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MMP3 Matrix Metalloproteinase 3 C80194 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MMP7 Matrix Metalloproteinase 7 C80195 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MMP8 Matrix Metalloproteinase 8 C80196 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MMP9 Matrix Metalloproteinase 9 C80197 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MMYCECE Maturing Myeloid Cells/Total Cells C127629 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MNC Mononuclear Cells C154757 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MNCAT Mononuclear Cells Atypical C187790 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MNCATLE Mononuclear Cells Atypical/Leukocytes C187791 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MOCYCE Monocytoid Cells C111276 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MOCYCECE Monocytoid Cells/Total Cells C111277 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MOCYCELE Monocytoid Cells/Leukocytes C120641 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MODAFNIL Modafinil C184628 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MOHXITAL Methohexital C184626 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MOLINDN Molindone C177981 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MONMPHLE Monocytes and Macrophages/Leukocytes C147396 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MONO Monocytes C64823 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MONOBL Monoblasts C74631 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MONOBLCE Monoblasts/Total Cells C187677 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MONOBLLE Monoblasts/Leukocytes C74646 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MONOCE Monocytes/Total Cells C98872 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MONOIM Immature Monocytes C96676 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MONOIMLE Immature Monocytes/Leukocytes C96677 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MONOLE Monocytes/Leukocytes C64824 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MONOMA Monocytes/Macrocytes C106544 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MONONSQE Monocytes/Non-Squam Epi Cells C135433 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MONOPTPT Monoclonal Protein/Total Protein C147397 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MORPHDS Desomorphine C184535 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MORPHET Ethylmorphine C184570 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MORPHINE Morphine C74883 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MORPHNC Nicomorphine C184556 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MORPHNR Normorphine C184557 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MPC Mean Platelet Component C96686 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MPHDRN Mephedrone C184551 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MPHNBRB Methylphenobarbital C75366 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MPIGISO Monoclonal Prot Immunoglobulin Isotype C186081 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MPM Mean Platelet Dry Mass C114214 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MPO Myeloperoxidase C80198 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MPRBMATE Meprobamate C184625 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MPROTEXR Monoclonal Protein Excretion Rate C163467 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MPROTR Monoclonal Protein Region C158218 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MPRYLON Methyprylon C184591 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MPV Mean Platelet Volume C74730 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MPXI Myeloperoxidase Index C119290 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MSHA Alpha Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone C187789 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MSTHCE Mesothelial Cells C147398 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MSTHCELE Mesothelial Cells/Leukocytes C147399 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MSTRLN Mesterolone C184588 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MTESTOS Methyltestosterone C184590 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MTHSTRN Methasterone C184589 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MTHXT3 3-Methoxytyramine C186082 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MTHXT3FR 3-Methoxytyramine, Free C186083 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MTNEPHFR Metanephrine, Free C147400 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MTNMTEXR Metanephrine+Normetanephrine Excr Rate C177991 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MTNNMTN Metanephrine+Normetanephrine C177990 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MUCTHR Mucous Threads C74721 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MUG Murinoglobulin C127630 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MX1 Interferon-Induced Protein p78 C163469 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MYBLA Myeloblasts C74632 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MYBLALE Myeloblasts/Leukocytes C64825 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MYBLAT1 Type I Myeloblasts C92283 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MYBLAT2 Type II Myeloblasts C92284 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MYBLAT3 Type III Myeloblasts C92285 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MYCEMIDX Myeloid Maturation Index C135434 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MYCEMPOL Myeloid Maturation Pool C135435 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MYCEPIDX Myeloid Proliferation Index C135436 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MYCEPPOL Myeloid Proliferation Pool C135437 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MYCY Myelocytes C74662 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MYCYCE Myelocytes/Total Cells C98868 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MYCYLE Myelocytes/Leukocytes C64826 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MYELINAB Myelin Antibodies C103418 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MYL3 Myosin Light Chain 3 C106547 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MYPC Myeloid Progenitor Cells C130165 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MYPCCE Myeloid Progenitor Cells/Total Cells C186084 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired MYPCERPC Myeloid/Erythroid Ratio C92242 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NACLR Sodium Clearance C106568 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NACREAT Sodium/Creatinine C79464 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NAG N-Acetyl Glucosamide C79459 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NAGASE N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase C103419 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NAGASECR N-acetyl-B-D-glucosaminidase/Creatinine C163470 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NAGASEXR NAGASE Excretion Rate C165975 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NAGCREAT N-Acetyl Glucosamide/Creatinine C79460 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NAK Sodium/Potassium C122137 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NALORPHN Nalorphine C184592 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NANDRLN Nandrolone C75377 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NAPHYRON Naphyrone C184553 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NCCPTN Nociceptin C154744 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NCLOSTBL Norclostebol C184593 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NCTD5P 5 Prime Nucleotidase C79437 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NCTMPRT Nicotinamide Phosphoribosyltransferase C198286 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NDMOLZPN N-Desmethylolanzapine C177967 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NDMTASE N-Demethylase C163471 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NDSMT N-Desmethyltramadol C181403 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NEOPTERN Neopterin C80199 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NEPHRIN Nephrin C184645 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NEUMYLLY Neutrophilic Myelocytes/Lymphocytes C181450 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NEUT Neutrophils C63321 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NEUTAGR Agranular Neutrophils C116200 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NEUTB Neutrophils Band Form C64830 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NEUTBCE Neutrophils Band Form/Total Cells C187701 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NEUTBLE Neutrophils Band Form/Leukocytes C64831 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NEUTBNE Neutrophils Band Form/ Neutrophils C120642 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NEUTCE Neutrophils/Total Cells C98763 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NEUTCYBS Cytoplasmic Basophilia Neutrophil C111166 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NEUTGT Giant Neutrophils C96651 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NEUTHYGR Hypogranular Neutrophils C116201 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NEUTIM Immature Neutrophils C96678 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NEUTIMLE Immature Neutrophils/Leukocytes C100442 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NEUTLE Neutrophils/Leukocytes C64827 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NEUTLS Left Shift Neutrophils C116202 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NEUTLY Neutrophils/Lymphocytes C141271 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NEUTMM Neutrophilic Metamyelocytes C84822 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NEUTMMCE Neutrophilic Metamyelocytes/Total Cells C189509 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NEUTMY Neutrophilic Myelocytes C84823 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NEUTNSQE Neutrophils/Non-Squam Epi Cells C135438 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NEUTPPH Pseudo Pelger-Huet Neutrophils C187823 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NEUTSG Neutrophils, Segmented C81997 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NEUTSGB Neutrophils, Segmented + Band Form C154755 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NEUTSGBP Neutrophils, Seg + Band Form + Precursor C154756 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NEUTSGCE Neutrophils, Segmented/Total Cells C187679 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NEUTSGLE Neutrophils, Segmented/Leukocytes C82045 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NEUTSGNE Neutrophils, Segmented/Neutrophils C120643 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NEUTTOXC Neutrophilic Toxic Change C132376 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NEUTVAC Vacuolated Neutrophils C74628 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NFH Neurofilament Heavy Polypeptide C199902 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NFHP Phosphorylated Neurofilament Heavy Chain C172501 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NFLP Neurofilament Light Chain Protein C142285 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NGF Nerve Growth Factor C135439 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NGFA Nerve Growth Factor Alpha C198287 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NGFB Nerve Growth Factor Beta C198210 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NGFG Nerve Growth Factor Gamma C198288 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NHDLLDL Non-HDL Cholesterol/LDL Cholesterol C186085 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NHMCE Nonhematic Cells C147401 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NHMCELE Nonhematic Cells/Leukocytes C147402 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NHYDCDN Norhydrocodone C177952 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NICOTINE Nicotine C147403 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NITRATE Nitrate C161352 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NITRICOX Nitric Oxide C112360 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NITRITE Nitrite C64810 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NKCE Natural Killer Cells C98762 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NKCEFUNC Natural Killer Cell Function C116203 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NKINA Neurokinin A C163473 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NKLY NK Cells/Lym C181258 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NMH N-methylhistamine C147404 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NMP22 Nuclear Matrix Protein 22 C156509 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NNK Nicotine-Derived Nitrosamine Ketone C204651 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NNN N-Nitrosonornicotine C204652 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NOHDLHDL Non-HDL Cholesterol/HDL Cholesterol C120644 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NONHDL Non-HDL Cholesterol C116204 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NORDOXPN Nordoxepin C191286 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NOREPEXR Norepinephrine Excretion Rate C163472 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NOREPIN Norepinephrine C74868 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NORMBASO Basophilic Normoblast C147405 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NORMEEXR Normetanephrine Excretion Rate C163474 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NORMETA Normetanephrine C122138 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NORMETFR Normetanephrine, Free C186086 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NORNCTN Nornicotine C147406 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NORTRPTL Nortriptyline C186087 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NOXYCDN Noroxycodone C177953 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NPAP Non-Prostatic Acid Phosphatase C100434 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NPCRATE Normalized Protein Catabolism Rate C191295 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NPY Neuropeptide Y C74892 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NRDZPM Nordazepam C139076 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NRENDRLN Norethandrolone C184594 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NRP1 Neuropilin-1 C165977 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NRPROPOX Norpropoxyphene C186088 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NSE Neuron Specific Enolase C116205 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NSPMTSPM Normal Sperm/Total Sperm C142286 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NTELOCRT N-telopeptide/Creatinine C120645 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NTELOP N-telopeptide C74743 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NTENS Neurotensin C163475 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NTRLFAT Neutral Fats C147407 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NTRZPM Nitrazepam C184629 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NTXI Type I Collagen N-Telopeptides C82039 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NTXICRT T1 Collagen X-link N-Telopeptides/Creat C147408 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NTXII Type II Collagen N-Telopeptides C82041 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NTYR3 3-Nitrotyrosine C202383 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NTZPMAOM Nitrazepam and/or Metabolites C186089 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NUCCE Nucleated Cells C150841 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired NUCSWELL Nuclear Swelling C114213 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired O2CT Oxygen Content C111284 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired OAS1 2-5-Oligoadenylate Synthase 1 C163476 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired OAS2 2-5-Oligoadenylate Synthase 2 C163477 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired OAS3 2-5-Oligoadenylate Synthase 3 C163478 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired OCCBLD Occult Blood C74686 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ODMTASE O-Demethylase C163479 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ODSMT O-Desmethyltramadol C181402 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired OH8DXG2 8-Hydroxy-2'-Deoxyguanosine C174309 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired OH9RS 9-Hydroxyrisperidone C177970 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired OHDG8 8-Hydroxydeoxyguanosine C172492 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired OHF6B 6 Beta-Hydroxycortisol C150833 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired OLANZAPN Olanzapine C177966 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired OLIGBAND Oligoclonal Bands C122139 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired OPG Osteoprotegerin C116206 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired OPIATE Opiate C74796 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired OPN Osteopontin C124349 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired OPNCRT Osteopontin/Creatinine C177962 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ORNITHIN Ornithine C122140 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired OSM Oncostatin M C132377 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired OSMLTY Osmolality C74801 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired OSMRTY Osmolarity C74802 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired OSTEOC Osteocalcin C74744 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired OVALCY Ovalocytes C142287 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired OXACREAT Oxalate/Creatinine C117983 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired OXAEXR Oxalate Excretion Rate C163480 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired OXALATE Oxalate C92250 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired OXANDRLN Oxandrolone C75381 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired OXMORPHN Oxymorphone C147409 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired OXMSTRN Oxymesterone C184595 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired OXMTHLN Oxymetholone C75388 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired OXYCAP Oxygen Capacity C96614 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired OXYCDN Oxycodone C74884 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired OXYSAT Oxygen Saturation C60832 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired OXYTOCIN Oxytocin C74869 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired OXZPM Oxazepam C75375 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired P1NP Procollagen 1 N-Terminal Propeptide C96625 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired P3NP Procollagen 3 N-Terminal Propeptide C128973 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired P50OXYGN P50 Oxygen C102279 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PA2APC Plasmin Alpha-2 Antiplasmin Complex C202381 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PABA Para-Aminobenzoate C186090 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PAF Platelet Activating Factor C111292 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PAHPP Para Aminohippurate C189315 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PAHPPCLR Para Aminohippurate Clearance C189530 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PAI1 Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 C82030 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PAI1AG Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 AG C81989 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PAP Prostatic Acid Phosphatase C80204 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PAPPA Pregnancy-Associated Plasma Protein-A C82031 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PAPPEN Pappenheimer Bodies C74616 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PARALD Paraldehyde C184630 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PARICEAB Parietal Cell Antibody C116207 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PARK7 Parkinson Disease Protein 7 C199907 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PAROXET Paroxetine C147410 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PB223C PB-22 3-carboxyindole C184559 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PB225F3C 5-fluoro PB-22 3-carboxyindole C184560 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PBG Porphobilinogen C156539 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PBGCREAT Porphobilinogen/Creatinine C156540 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PC3MPSAM PCA3 mRNA/PSA mRNA C132378 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PCA3MRNA Prostate Cancer Antigen 3 mRNA C132379 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PCDW Platelet Component Distribution Width C111294 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PCHLRPZN Prochlorperazine C177983 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PCNAG Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen C120646 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PCO2 Partial Pressure Carbon Dioxide C82625 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PCO2ADJT Partial Pressure Carbon Dioxide Adj Temp C147411 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PCP Phencyclidine C74694 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PCSK9 Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin/Kexin 9 C120647 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PCSK9FR Prprot Cnvrtase Subtilisin-Kexin 9, Free C186091 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PCT Procalcitonin C103430 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PD1S Soluble Programmed Death-1 C172505 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PDGFAA Platelet Derived Growth Factor IsoformAA C163481 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PDGFAB Platelet Derived Growth Factor IsoformAB C116208 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PDGFBB Platelet Derived Growth Factor IsoformBB C199893 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PDL1S Soluble Programmed Death Ligand 1 C172503 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PDW Platelet Distribution Width C81962 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PECAM1 Platelet Endothelial Adhesion Molecule 1 C135472 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PELGERH Pelger Huet Anomaly C74617 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PEMOLINE Pemoline C184631 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PENDRN Pentedrone C184561 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PENTYLN Pentylone C184562 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PEPSNG Pepsinogen C100122 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PEPSNGA Pepsinogen A C100469 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PEPSNGC Pepsinogen C C100470 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PEPSNGI Pepsinogen I C100467 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PEPSNGII Pepsinogen II C100468 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PERCECE Proliferating Erythroid/Total Cells C127632 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PERIOSTN Periostin C112395 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PERPHNZN Perphenazine C177988 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PF2AI8CR 8-Iso-PGF2alpha/Creatinine C119291 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PFCT Platelet Function Closure Time C111295 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PG Prostaglandin C103343 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PGAG Platelet-Granulocyte Agg C165978 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PGD2 Prostaglandin D2 C103431 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PGD2R2 Prostaglandin D2 Receptor 2 C189515 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PGD2S Prostaglandin D2 Synthase C103432 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PGE1 Prostaglandin E1 C103434 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PGE2 Prostaglandin E2 C103435 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PGES Prostaglandin E Synthase C103433 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PGF1A Prostaglandin F1 Alpha C103436 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PGF2A Prostaglandin F2 Alpha C103437 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PGF2AI8 8-Iso-Prostaglandin F2 Alpha C119292 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PH pH C45997 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PHADJT pH Adjusted for Body Temp C161367 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PHE Phenylalanine C81280 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PHENTHZ Phenothiazine C74695 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PHENYTN Phenytoin C147413 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PHETYR Phenylalanine/Tyrosine C81281 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PHNBRBTL Phenobarbital C75368 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PHNDMTZN Phendimetrazine C184597 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PHNKET Phenylketones C147414 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PHNMTZN Phenmetrazine C184574 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PHNPYR Phenylpyruvate C201430 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PHNZCN Phenazocine C184573 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PHOS Phosphate C64857 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PHOSCLR Phosphate Clearance C106553 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PHOSCRT Phosphate/Creatinine C79461 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PHOSEXR Phosphorus Excretion Rate C150821 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PHOSLPD Phospholipid C96623 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PHTRMN Phentermine C174299 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PICP Procollagen Type I Carboxy Term Peptide C82033 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PIMOZIDE Pimozide C177987 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PIPRDROL Pipradrol C184633 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PIVKAII Protein Induced by Vitamin K Absence-II C150846 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PKM Pyruvate Kinase Muscle Isozyme C156530 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PKM1 Pyruvate Kinase Isozyme M1 C156532 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PKM2 Pyruvate Kinase Isozyme M2 C156531 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PLA2 Phospholipase A2 C181405 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PLAGGCVT Platelet Aggregation Curve Type C114210 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PLAGMAMP Platelet Aggregation Mean Amplitude C114211 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PLAGMCVT Platelet Aggregation Mean Curve Type C114212 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PLAT Platelets C51951 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PLATAGGR Platelet Aggregation C103427 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PLATAGRN Platelets, Agranular C147415 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PLATBIZ Bizarre Platelets C154733 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PLATCLMP Platelet Clumps C96624 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PLATEST Platelets, Estimated C135440 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PLATGNT Giant Platelets C74728 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PLATHCT Platelet Hematocrit C100424 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PLATIM Immature Platelets C154723 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PLATLRG Large Platelets C74729 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PLATSAT Platelet Satellitism C116209 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PLCGF Placental Growth Factor C163482 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PLG Plasminogen C127633 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PLP Pyridoxal Phosphate C158237 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PLSCR1 Phospholipid Scramblase 1 C163483 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PLSIMCCE Immature Plasma Cells/Total Cells C147416 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PLSIMCE Immature Plasma Cells C96679 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PLSIMCLY Immature Plasma Cells/Lymphocytes C96680 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PLSMCE Mature Plasma Cells C74661 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PLSMCECE Mature Plasma Cells/Total Cells C98869 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PLSMCELY Mature Plasma Cells/Lymphocytes C74911 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PLSNCE Neoplastic Plasma Cells C172494 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PLSPCE Precursor Plasma Cells C74619 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PLSPCELY Precursor Plasma Cells/Lymphocytes C74650 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PLSTCE Total Plasma Cells C128974 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PLSTCECE Total Plasma Cells/Total Cells C187987 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PLSTCELE Total Plasma Cells/Leukocytes C128975 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PLSTCELY Total Plasma Cells/Lymphocytes C189499 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PLTAGAMP Platelet Aggregation Amplitude C111293 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PLTIMPLT Immature Platelets/Total Platelets C170580 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PLTLPLT Large Platelets/Total Platelets C161353 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PLTMORPH Platelet Morphology C111296 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PMDW Platelet Mass Distribution Width C132380 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PMYCECE Proliferating Myeloid Cells/Total Cells C127634 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PNCTPP Pancreatic Polypeptide C80201 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PNTBRBTL Pentobarbital C75367 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PNTZOCIN Pentazocine C184632 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PO2 Partial Pressure Oxygen C71251 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PO2ADJT Partial Pressure Oxygen Adj for Temp C147417 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PO2FIO2 PP Arterial O2/Fraction Inspired O2 C119293 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired POIKILO Poikilocytes C79602 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired POIKRBC Poikilocytes/Erythrocytes C74649 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired POLYCHR Polychromasia C64803 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired POLYERY Polychromatophilic Erythroblast C147418 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired POLYNORM Polychromatophilic Normoblast C147419 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PON1 Paraoxonase 1 C199905 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PORPH Porphyrin C120648 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PPA Phenylpropanolamine C174297 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PPI Inorganic Pyrophosphate C161358 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PPIA Peptidylprolyl Isomerase A C187819 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PPTDCALB Phosphatidylcholine/Albumin C147420 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PPTDETH Phosphatidylethanol C187820 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PRAB Panel Reactive Antibody C116210 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PRABC Calculated Panel Reactive Antibody C132381 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PRCTC Prostate Circulating Tumor Cells C132382 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PREALB Prealbumin C100435 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PREGBLN Pregabalin C184642 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PRGNENLN Pregnenolone C147421 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PRGNNDL Pregnanediol C186092 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PRINSINS Proinsulin/Insulin Ratio C111299 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PRLYMLE Prolymphocytes/Leukocytes C64829 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PRMPNL Perampanel C184596 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PRO Proline C122141 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PROAP Proline Aminopeptidase C198289 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PROC6 Pro-C6 C165979 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PRODINEA Alphaprodine C184567 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PROGEST Progesterone C74791 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PROGESTR Progesterone Receptor C117846 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PROGRP Pro-gastrin Releasing Peptide C156523 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PROINSUL Proinsulin C81967 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PROLCTN Prolactin C74870 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PROLYM Prolymphocytes C74620 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PROLYMLY Prolymphocytes/Lymphocytes C74651 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PROMONCE Promonocytes/Total Cells C187678 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PROMONLE Promonocytes/Leukocytes C74652 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PROMONO Promonocytes C74621 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PROMY Promyelocytes C74622 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PROMYB Promyeloblasts C117847 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PROMYCE Promyelocytes/Total Cells C98773 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PROMYLE Promyelocytes/Leukocytes C74653 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PROPOX Propoxyphene C74885 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PRORUB Prorubricyte C128976 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PRORUBCE Prorubricyte/Total Cells C128977 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PROT Protein C64858 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PROTCRT Protein/Creatinine C79463 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PROTEXR Protein Excretion Rate C150822 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PROTOSML Protein/Osmolality C92240 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PROTPATN Protein Pattern C147422 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PROTRPTL Protriptyline C191287 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PROTS Protein S C100436 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PROTSFR Protein S, Free C122142 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PRSTNZL Prostanozol C184598 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PRZPM Prazepam C139080 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PSA Prostate Specific Antigen C17634 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PSAF Prostate Specific Antigen, Free C132383 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PSAFPSAT PSA, Free/PSA C132384 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PSAMRNA Prostate Specific Antigen mRNA C132385 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PSDEPHD Pseudoephedrine C74696 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PSDGLSRF Phosphatidylglycerol/Lung Surfactant C147423 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PSELECT P-Selectin C117850 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PSELECTS Soluble P-Selectin C120650 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PSLCYBN Psilocybin C75356 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PT Prothrombin Time C62656 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PTA Prothrombin Activity C98774 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PTAC Prothrombin Time Actual/Control C170591 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PTAUAB42 Phosphorylated Tau Prot/Amyloid Beta1-42 C176312 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PTF1 Prothrombin Fragment 1 C189514 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PTF1_2 Prothrombin Fragments 1 + 2 C82034 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PTF2 Prothrombin Fragment 2 C189513 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PTHCT Parathyroid Hormone, C-Terminal C81964 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PTHFG Parathyroid Hormone, Fragmented C74784 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PTHI Parathyroid Hormone, Intact C74789 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PTHMM Parathyroid Hormone, Mid-Molecule C81965 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PTHNT Parathyroid Hormone, N-Terminal C81966 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PTHRP Parathyroid Hormone-related Protein C117851 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PTHW Parathyroid Hormone, Whole C103451 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PTSAAC Protein S Activity Actual/Control C147424 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PTSAC Protein S Actual/Control C170593 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PTSFAAC Protein S Free Activity Actual/Control C147425 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PTSFAC Protein S, Free Actual/Control C170596 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PTT Partial Thromboplastin Time C178140 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PTTSTND PTT/Standard C187818 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PUS Pus C161359 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PYDCREAT Pyridinoline/Creatinine C147426 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PYK Pyruvate Kinase C156470 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PYKCE Pyknotic Cells C189346 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PYOCYTES Pyocytes C156524 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PYRIDNLN Pyridinoline C80211 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PYROVLRN Pyrovalerone C184643 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PYRUVATE Pyruvate C147427 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired PYY Peptide YY C80202 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired QUETIAPN Quetiapine C177965 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired QUZPM Quazepam C184634 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RAGE Receptor Advanced Glycation Endproducts C165980 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RANKL Receptor Activator Nuclear KappaB Ligand C117852 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RANTES Reg upon Act Normal T-cell Exprd Secrtd C81957 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RBC Erythrocytes C51946 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RBCAGGLU Erythrocyte Agglutination C111197 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RBCCLMP Erythrocyte Cell Clumps C92245 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RBCDIPOP Dimorphic Erythrocyte Population C117853 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RBCDYRBC Dysmorphic Erythrocytes/Erythrocytes C150839 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RBCDYSM Dysmorphic Erythrocytes C135441 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RBCFRAG Erythrocyte Fragment C116212 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RBCGHOST Erythrocyte Ghosts C96605 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RBCMORPH Erythrocyte Cell Morphology C92296 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RBCNUC Nucleated Erythrocytes C74705 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RBCNUCLE Nucleated Erythrocytes/Leukocytes C82046 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RBCNURBC Nucleated Erythrocytes/Erythrocytes C74647 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RBP Retinol Binding Protein C100437 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RBP1 Retinol Binding Protein 1 C189526 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RBP2 Retinol Binding Protein 2 C189525 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RBP3 Retinol Binding Protein 3 C189524 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RBP4 Retinol Binding Protein 4 C189523 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RBPCREAT Retinol Binding Protein/Creatinine C154729 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RDCSUB Reducing Substances C147428 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RDCSUG Reducing Sugars C147429 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RDW Erythrocytes Distribution Width C64800 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RDWR Ret Volume Distribution Width C139074 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RDWRCV Ret RDW Coefficient of Variation C139072 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RDWRSD Ret RDW Standard Deviation C139073 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RDWSD RDW Standard Deviation C139071 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RENIN Renin C74893 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RENINA Renin Activity C111305 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RESISTIN Resistin C80205 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RETCRRBC HCT Corrected Reticulocytes/Erythrocytes C102274 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RETI Reticulocytes C51947 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RETICE Reticulocytes/Total Cells C187680 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RETICH Ret. Corpuscular Hemoglobin Content C98776 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RETIH High Absorption Reticulocytes C116188 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RETIHCR Hematocrit Corrected Reticulocytes C102273 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RETIHRTC High Absorption Retic/Reticulocytes C116189 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RETIL Low Absorption Reticulocytes C116190 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RETILRTC Low Absorption Retic/Reticulocytes C116191 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RETIM Medium Absorption Reticulocytes C116192 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RETIMRTC Medium Absorption Retic/Reticulocytes C116193 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RETINOAC Retinoic Acid C187824 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RETIRBC Reticulocytes/Erythrocytes C64828 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RETPALM Retinyl Palmitate C135442 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RH Rh Factor C92948 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RHD RhD Factor C125948 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RITALAC Ritalinic Acid C170582 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RLP RLP Cholesterol C120655 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RMNTLP Remnant Lipoprotein C120656 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RNA Ribonucleic Acid C132301 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ROM Reactive Oxygen Metabolite C122146 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ROULEAUX Rouleaux Formation C74624 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ROUNDCE Round Cells C142288 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RPA1 Renal Papillary Antigen 1 C142289 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RPTLAAC Reptilase Activity Actual/Control C147430 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RPTLTIME Reptilase Time C96628 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RSAD2 Cytomegalovirus-Induced Gene 5 Protein C163484 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RSOH9RS Risperidone+9-Hydroxyrisperidone C177971 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RSPDN Risperidone C177969 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RT3 Triiodothyronine, Reverse C81968 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RUB Rubricyte C128978 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired RUBCE Rubricyte/Total Cells C129006 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired S100A8 S100 Calcium Binding Protein A8 C154730 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired S100B S100 Calcium-Binding Protein B C127635 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired S6PHS Phos-S6 Ribosomal Protein C165981 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SAA1 Serum Amyloid A1 C165982 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SAAG Serum-Ascites Albumin Gradient C186093 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SAHOMC S-Adenosylhomocysteine C172516 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SALCYLT Salicylates C147431 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SAMETH S-Adenosylmethionine C172515 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SAO2FIO2 Oxygen Saturation/Fraction Inspired O2 C174311 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SARCOSIN Sarcosine C154760 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SBUTRMN Sibutramine C184635 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SCBRBTL Secobarbital C75369 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SCCAG Squamous Cell Carcinoma Antigen C120660 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SCF Stem Cell Factor C82035 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SCFR Mast/Stem Cell Growth Factor Rec Kit C199680 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SCHISRBC Schistocytes/Erythrocytes C186094 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SCHISTO Schistocytes C74706 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SCKCERBC Sickle Cells/Erythrocytes C74656 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SCKLCE Sickle Cells C74626 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SCN Thiocyanate C154745 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SCNYLACT Succinylacetone C186095 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SDH Sorbitol Dehydrogenase C79465 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SDMA Symmetric Dimethylarginine C158232 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SE Selenium C187825 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SECRETIN Secretin C74871 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SEDEXAM Sediment Examination C105744 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SER Serine C122149 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SERTRAL Sertraline C147432 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SERTRALN Norsertraline C187817 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SEZCE Sezary Cells C74625 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SEZCELE Sezary Cells/Leukocytes C158231 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SEZCELY Sezary Cells/Lymphocytes C74655 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SFTPD Surfactant Protein D C111322 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SH2D1A SH2 Domain Containing 1A Protein C165983 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SHBG Sex Hormone Binding Globulin C74745 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SHH Sonic Hedgehog C177989 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SICAM1 Soluble Intercell Adhesion Molecule 1 C132386 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SICAM4 Soluble Intercell Adhesion Molecule 4 C186096 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SIXMAM 6-Monoacetylmorphine C74876 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SLTFRNRC Soluble Transferrin Receptor C100438 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SLXAG Sialyl SSEA-1 Antigen C114223 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SMDGCE Smudge Cells C74627 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SMDGCELE Smudge Cells/Leukocytes C119294 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SMREXAM Smear Examination C204635 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SMRP Soluble Mesothelin Related Peptides C189495 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SO2 Sulfur Dioxide C114224 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SODIUM Sodium C64809 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SODMEXR Sodium Excretion Rate C150823 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SOMATRO Somatotrophin C80360 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SOST Sclerostin C117857 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SPAN1 S-Pancreas-1 Antigen C202376 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SPERM Spermatozoa C74663 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SPERMMTL Sperm Motility C102281 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SPERMP Spermatozoa, Progressive C161366 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SPGRAV Specific Gravity C64832 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SPHERO Spherocytes C74707 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SPINK1 Serine Peptidase Inhibitor Kazal Type 1 C199904 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SPLA2II Type II Secretory Phospholipase A2 C120663 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SPMAGGLU Sperm Agglutination C142290 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SPMAGGR Sperm Aggregation C142291 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SPMMSPM Motile Sperm/Total Sperm C147433 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SPMPSPM Spermatozoa, Progressive/Spermatozoa C161365 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SPWEIGHT Specimen Weight C106569 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SRPNA12 Serpin A12 C198290 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SRPNB5 Serpin Family B Member 5 C199899 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SRPNF1 Serpin Family F Member 1 C199906 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SRTONIN Serotonin C74872 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SSTR2 Somatostatin Receptor Type 2 C165984 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired STAT3 STAT3 C156469 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired STAT3P Phosphorylated STAT3 C156521 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired STAT3PS3 Phosphorylated STAT3/STAT3 C156522 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired STBSEXCS Standard Base Excess C154721 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired STIPBASO Basophilic Stippling C96567 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired STNBLN Stenbolone C184600 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired STNZLL Stanozolol C184599 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired STOMCY Stomatocytes C74708 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired STROPONI Skeletal Troponin I C135443 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired STS Steroid Sulfatase C177993 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SUFNTNL Sufentanil C184575 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SULFATE Sulfate C122153 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SVCAM1 Soluble Vasc Cell Adhesion Molecule 1 C92533 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SYNVCY Synoviocytes C191298 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired SYNVCYLE Synoviocytes/Leukocytes C191297 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired T3 Triiodothyronine C74747 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired T3FR Triiodothyronine, Free C74787 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired T3UP Triiodothyronine Uptake C74748 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired T4 Thyroxine C74794 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired T4FR Thyroxine, Free C74786 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired T4FRIDX Thyroxine, Free Index C170598 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired T4FRIND Thyroxine, Free, Indirect C120664 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TAP1 Peptide Transporter TAP1 C163486 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TAT Thrombin/Antithrombin C106574 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TATC Thrombin Antithrombin Complex C161371 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TAU181P Phosphorylated Tau Protein 181 C187821 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TAU212P Phosphorylated Tau Protein 212 C202390 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TAU217P Phosphorylated Tau Protein 217 C202389 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TAU231P Phosphorylated Tau Protein 231 C202388 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TAURCRT Taurine/Creatinine C158223 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TAURINE Taurine C122154 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TBG Thyroxine Binding Globulin C74746 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TBP TATA Box Binding Protein C189496 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TCDCA Taurochenodeoxycholate C176306 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TCHT Taurocholate C176301 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TDTAG Terminal Deoxynucleotidyl Transferase Ag C117859 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TEARDCY Dacryocytes C64801 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TESTOS Testosterone C74793 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TESTOSBA Bioavailable Testosterone C117860 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TESTOSFR Testosterone, Free C74785 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TESTOSWB Testosterone, Weakly Bound C147434 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TFERRIN Transferrin C82037 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TFF3 Trefoil Factor 3 C199896 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TFPIFR Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor, Free C202391 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TFR1 Transferrin Receptor Protein 1 C199909 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TFRRNSAT Transferrin Saturation C98792 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TGFA Transforming Growth Factor Alpha C165985 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TGFB Transforming Growth Factor Beta C122155 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TGFB1 Transforming Growth Factor Beta 1 C117861 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TGFB2 Transforming Growth Factor Beta 2 C165986 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TGFB3 Transforming Growth Factor Beta 3 C165987 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TGLOB Thyroglobulin C103446 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TGLOBRR Thyroglobulin Recovery Rate C147435 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired THBD Thrombomodulin C135444 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired THC Tetrahydrocannabinol C147436 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired THCCOOH 11-Nor-Delta9-THC-9-Carboxylic Acid C142293 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired THDCSL5A 5-Alpha Tetrahydrocortisol C186097 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired THEBAINE Thebaine C184577 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired THEOPHYL Theophylline C105445 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired THGSTNON Tetrahydrogestrinone C184602 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired THIOPNTL Thiopental C184604 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired THIORDZN Thioridazine C177978 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired THIOTHXN Thiothixene C177976 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired THMBAAC Thrombin Activity Actual/Control C147437 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired THMYLL Thiamylal C184603 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired THR Threonine C122156 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired THRCREAT Threonine/Creatinine C158224 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired THRMPTN Thrombopoietin C74873 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired THROMNUC Thrombocytes C111283 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired THYPXD Thyroperoxidase C96639 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TIMM10 Translocase Inner Mitochondrial Membr 10 C163487 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TIMP1 Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase 1 C82036 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TIMP1CRE TIMP1/Creatinine C106575 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TIMP2 Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase 2 C199908 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TIMP3 Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase 3 C165988 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TK Thymidine Kinase C120665 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TK1 Thymidine Kinase 1 C135445 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TK2 Thymidine Kinase 2 C135446 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TKG T-Kininogen C132387 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TLCHT Taurolithocholate C176309 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TLYCE T-Lymphocytes C122157 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TLYMXM T-lymphocyte Crossmatch C128979 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TMEPRDN Trimeperidine C184563 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TMZPM Temazepam C75376 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TNC Tenascin C C199887 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TNF Tumor Necrosis Factor C74751 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TNF10 TNF Superfamily Member 10 C165989 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TNF10R3 TNF Receptor Superfamily Member 10c C198291 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TNF12 TNF Superfamily Member 12 C165990 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TNF12EXR TNF Superfamily Member 12 Excretion Rate C156525 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TNF12S Soluble TNF Superfamily Member 12 C156526 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TNF5S Soluble TNF Superfamily Member 5 C174308 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TNFAPI TNF-a Production Inhibition C117862 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TNFR1 Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor 1 C120666 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TNFR1B TNF Receptor 1B C165991 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TNFR5S Soluble TNF Receptor Superfamily Mem 5 C174312 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TNFR7S Soluble TNF Receptor Superfamily Mem 7 C199916 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TNFR9S Soluble TNF Receptor Superfamily Mem 9 C202393 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TNFSR Soluble Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor C117749 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TNFSR1 Soluble TNF Receptor Type I C117863 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TNFSR2 Soluble TNF Receptor Type II C117864 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TOLUENE Toluene C204653 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TOMREG2 Tomoregulin-2 C187827 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TOXGRAN Toxic Granulation C96641 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TOXVAC Toxic Vacuolation C127813 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TPAAG Tissue Plasminogen Activator Antigen C81993 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TPAG Tissue Polypeptide Antigen C163488 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TPNTDL Tapentadol C184576 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TPRONP Non-Phosphorylated Tau Protein C84811 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TPROT Tau Protein C84810 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TPROTFR Tau Protein, Free C163489 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TPROTP Phosphorylated Tau Protein C84812 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TRACP5B Tartrate-Resistant Acid Phosphatase 5b C117865 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TRAMADOL Tramadol C161376 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TRANK1 TPR-Ankyrin Repeat-Containing Protein 1 C163490 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TRAP Total Radical-Trap Antioxidant Potential C80208 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TRCYANDP Tricyclic Antidepressants C100420 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TRGTCE Target Cells C96636 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TRH Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone C74874 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TRICH Trichomonas C92238 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TRIFLPZN Trifluoperazine C177982 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TRIG Triglycerides C64812 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TRIGHDL Triglycerides/HDL Cholesterol C121183 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TRIM21 Tripartite Motif Containing Protein 21 C163491 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TRIM33 E3 Ubiquitin-Protein Ligase TRIM33 C187799 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TRIM38 Tripartite Motif Containing Protein 38 C163492 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TRNBLN Trenbolone C184605 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TROPONI Troponin I C74749 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TROPONI1 Troponin I Type 1 C135447 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TROPONI2 Troponin I Type 2 C127636 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TROPONI3 Troponin I Type 3 C135448 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TROPONIN Troponin C111327 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TROPONT Troponin T C74750 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TRP Tryptophan C154739 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TRP1TRG1 Trypsin 1 and Trypsinogen 1 C135449 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TRPCRT Tryptophan/Creatinine C163493 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TRPTRG Trypsin and Trypsinogen C135450 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TRYPSIN Trypsin C163494 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TRYPTASE Tryptase C92292 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TRZDN Trazodone C187828 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TRZLM Triazolam C181451 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TSH Thyrotropin C64813 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TSHT4FR Thyrotropin/Thyroxine, Free C181446 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TSLP Thymic Stromal Lymphopoietin C184511 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TSP1 Thrombospondin 1 C163495 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TST4OH 4-Hydroxytestosterone C181429 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TSTFTSTT Testosterone, Free/Testosterone C147439 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TSTFWTST Testosterone Free+Weakly Bound/Testost C147440 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TSTLCTN Testolactone C184601 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TSTSFRPT Testosterone, Free/Total Protein C128980 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TT Thrombin Time C80365 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TTAC Thrombin Time Actual/Control C161370 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TTGIGGAB Tissue Transglutaminase IgG Antibody C163496 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TUDCA Tauroursodeoxycholate C176303 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TURB Turbidity C74723 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TXB2 Thromboxane B2 C103445 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TXB2D11R 11-Dehydro-Thromboxane B2 Excretion Rate C163497 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TXB2_D11 11-Dehydro-Thromboxane B2 C103344 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired TYR Tyrosine C122159 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired U47700 U-47700 C184564 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired UBQN Ubiquitin Protein C147443 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired UCHL1 Ubiquitin C-Terminal Hydrolase L1 C189529 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired UDCA Ursodeoxycholate C176298 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired UDCACM Ursodeoxycholate Compounds C176238 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired UMOD Uromodulin C199895 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired UNSPCE Unspecified Cells C112241 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired UNSPCECE Unspecified Cells/Total Cells C114225 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired UNSPCELE Unspecified Cells/Leukocytes C161364 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired UPA Urokinase Plasminogen Activator C181447 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired UR144 UR-144 C184565 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired URATE Urate C64814 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired URATECRT Urate/Creatinine C117866 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired URATEEXR Urate Excretion Rate C163498 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired UREA Urea C64815 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired UREACRT Urea/Creatinine C96645 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired UREAEXR Urea Excretion Rate C202380 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired UREAKTV Urea Distribution Volume Ratio C191294 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired UREAN Urea Nitrogen C125949 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired UREANCRT Urea Nitrogen/Creatinine C125950 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired UREANEXR Urea Nitrogen Excretion Rate C163499 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired UROBIL Urobilinogen C64816 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired UROTHCE Urothelial Cells C163500 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired URR Urea Reduction Ratio C191296 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired V25HD2 25-Hydroxyvitamin D2 C156528 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired V25HD3 25-Hydroxyvitamin D3 C156529 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VAL Valine C122160 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VALPRATE Valproate C181410 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VAPOB VLDL Apolipoprotein B C184517 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VBCE Viable Cells C130166 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VCAM1 Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule 1 C82042 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VEGF Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor C92514 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VEGFA Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A C132389 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VEGFC Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor C C163501 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VEGFD Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor D C172496 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VEGFR1S Soluble Vasc Endoth Growth Factor Rec1 C165992 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VEGFR2 Vasc Endothelial Growth Factor Rec 2 C156527 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VEGFR2S Soluble Vasc Endoth Growth Factor Rec2 C165993 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VEGFR3S Soluble Vasc Endoth Growth Factor Rec3 C165994 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VENLAFAX Venlafaxine C147444 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VINBRBTL Vinbarbital C184606 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VIP Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide C163502 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VISC Viscosity C75912 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VITA Vitamin A C74895 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VITB1 Thiamine C74896 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VITB12 Vitamin B12 C64817 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VITB17 Vitamin B17 C74897 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VITB2 Riboflavin C74898 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VITB3 Niacin C74899 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VITB5 Vitamin B5 C74900 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VITB6 Vitamin B6 C74901 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VITB7 Vitamin B7 C74902 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VITB9 Vitamin B9 C74676 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VITC Vitamin C C74903 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VITD2 Vitamin D2 C74904 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VITD23 Vitamin D2 + Vitamin D3 C179751 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VITD23OH Vitamin D2 D3 25-OH C147445 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VITD3 Vitamin D3 C74905 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VITDBP Vitamin D Binding Protein C172506 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VITE Vitamin E C74906 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VITECHOL Vitamin E/Cholesterol C103448 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VITK Vitamin K C74907 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VITK1 Vitamin K1 C103449 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VLDL VLDL Cholesterol C105589 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VLDL1 VLDL Cholesterol Subtype 1 C120667 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VLDL2 VLDL Cholesterol Subtype 2 C120668 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VLDL3 VLDL Cholesterol Subtype 3 C120669 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VLDLPSZ VLDL Particle Size C103450 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VLDLT VLDL Triglyceride C174303 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VLDLTCT VLDL Trig + Chylomicron Trig C174301 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VLZDN Vilazodone C187829 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VMA Vanillyl Mandelic Acid C74875 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VMAEXR Vanillyl Mandelic Acid Excretion Rate C163503 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VOLUME Volume C74720 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VRTOXTN Vortioxetine C187832 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VTD2125 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D2 C179752 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VTD23125 1,25-DihydroxyvitD2+1,25-DihydroxyvitD3 C179753 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VTD2D3IT 25-Hydroxyvit D2 + 25-Hydroxyvit D3 C147446 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VTD3125 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 C179754 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VTD32425 24,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 C156511 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VTRNCTN Vitronectin C165995 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VWFAAC von Will Factor Act Actual/Control C147447 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired VWFAC von Will Factor Actual/Control C170597 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired WBC Leukocytes C51948 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired WBCCE Leukocytes/Total Cells C135451 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired WBCCLMP Leukocyte Cell Clumps C92246 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired WBCDIFF Leukocyte Cell Differential C98493 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired WBCMORPH Leukocyte Cell Morphology C92297 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired WDR26 WD Repeat-Containing Protein 26 C127637 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired XLSXLSD Xylose/Xylose Dose C186098 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired XNTHCHR Xanthochromia C147449 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired XYLOSE Xylose C186099 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired YEAST Yeast Cells C74664 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired YEASTBUD Yeast Budding C106504 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired YEASTHYP Yeast Hyphae C92239 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired YKL40P YKL-40 Protein C142294 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ZALEPLON Zaleplon C184636 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ZINC Zinc C80210 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ZIPRASDN Ziprasidone C177986 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ZOLPIDEM Zolpidem C184637 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ZOPCLN Zopiclone C184638 C65047 C67154 LBTEST
2024-03-29 LBTESTCD Paired ZPP Zinc Protoporphyrin C147452 C65047 C67154 LBTEST