Variable_order Dataset_name Variable_name Variable_label Type Codelist Role Core CDISC_notes
1 ML STUDYID Study Identifier Char Identifier Req Unique identifier for a study.
2 ML DOMAIN Domain Abbreviation Char Identifier Req Two-character abbreviation for the domain.
3 ML USUBJID Unique Subject Identifier Char Identifier Req Identifier used to uniquely identify a subject across all studies for all applications or submissions involving the product.
4 ML MLSEQ Sequence Number Num Identifier Req Sequence Number given to ensure uniqueness of subject records within a domain. May be any valid number.
5 ML MLGRPID Group ID Char Identifier Perm Used to tie together a block of related records in a single domain for a subject.
6 ML MLSPID Sponsor-Defined Identifier Char Identifier Perm Sponsor-defined reference number. Examples: a number pre-printed on the CRF as an explicit line identifier or record identifier defined in the sponsor's operational database.
7 ML MLTRT Name of Meal Char Topic Req Verbatim food product name that is either pre-printed or collected on a CRF.
8 ML MLCAT Category for Meal Char Grouping Qualifier Perm Used to define a category of MLTRT values.
9 ML MLSCAT Subcategory for Meal Char Grouping Qualifier Perm Used to define a further categorization of MLCAT values.
10 ML MLPRESP ML Pre-specified Char C66742 Variable Qualifier Perm Used when a specific meal is pre-specified on a CRF. Values should be "Y" or null.
11 ML MLOCCUR ML Occurrence Char C66742 Record Qualifier Perm Used to record whether a pre-specified meal occurred when information about the occurrence of a specific meal is solicited.
12 ML MLSTAT Completion Status Char C66789 Record Qualifier Perm Used to indicate when a question about the occurrence of a pre-specified meal was not answered. Should be null or have a value of "NOT DONE".
13 ML MLREASND Reason Meal Not Collected Char Record Qualifier Perm Describes the reason a response to a question about the occurrence of a meal was not collected. Used in conjunction with MLSTAT when value is "NOT DONE".
14 ML MLDOSE Dose Num Record Qualifier Perm Amount of MLTRT consumed. Not populated when MLDOSTXT is populated.
15 ML MLDOSTXT Dose Description Char Record Qualifier Perm Amount description of MLTRT consumed, collected in text form. Not populated when MLDOSE is populated. Examples: "<1 per day", "200-400".
16 ML MLDOSU Dose Units Char C71620 Variable Qualifier Perm Units for MLDOSE, MLDOSTOT, or MLDOSTXT.
17 ML MLDOSFRM Dose Form Char C66726 Variable Qualifier Perm Dosage form for MLTRT. Example: "BAR, CHEWABLE".
18 ML VISITNUM Visit Number Num Timing Perm Clinical encounter number. Numeric version of VISIT, used for sorting.
19 ML VISIT Visit Name Char Timing Perm Protocol-defined description of a clinical encounter.
20 ML VISITDY Planned Study Day of Visit Num Timing Perm Planned study day of VISIT. Should be an integer.
21 ML TAETORD Planned Order of Element within Arm Num Timing Perm Number that gives the planned order of the Element within the Arm for the Element in which the meal started.
22 ML EPOCH Epoch Char C99079 Timing Perm Epoch associated with the start date/time of the meal.
23 ML MLDTC Date/Time of Collection Char ISO 8601 Timing Perm Collection date and time of the meal represented in ISO 8601 character format.
24 ML MLSTDTC Start Date/Time of Meal Char ISO 8601 Timing Perm Start date/time of the meal represented in ISO 8601 character format.
25 ML MLENDTC End Date/Time of Meal Char ISO 8601 Timing Perm End date/time of the meal represented in ISO 8601 character format.
26 ML MLDY Study Day of Visit/Collection/Exam Num Timing Perm Actual study day of the visit/collection expressed in integer days relative to the sponsor-defined RFSTDTC in Demographics.
27 ML MLSTDY Study Day of Start of Meal Num Timing Perm Actual study day of start of the meal expressed in integer days relative to sponsor-defined RFSTDTC in Demographics.
28 ML MLENDY Study Day of End of Meal Num Timing Perm Actual study day of end of the meal expressed in integer days relative to the sponsor-defined RFSTDTC in Demographics.
29 ML MLDUR Duration of Meal Char ISO 8601 Timing Perm Collected duration of the meal represented in ISO 8601 character format. Used only if collected on the CRF and not derived.
30 ML MLTPT Planned Time Point Name Char Timing Perm Text description of time when a measurement or observation should be taken as defined in the protocol. This may be represented as an elapsed time relative to a fixed reference point. See MLTPTNUM and MLTPTREF.
31 ML MLTPTNUM Planned Time Point Number Num Timing Perm Numeric version of planned time point used in sorting.
32 ML MLELTM Planned Elapsed Time from Time Point Ref Char ISO 8601 Timing Perm Planned Elapsed time (in ISO 8601) relative to the planned fixed reference (MLTPTREF). This variable is useful when there are repetitive measures. Not a clock time or a date/time variable. Represented as an ISO 8601 duration.
33 ML MLTPTREF Time Point Reference Char Timing Perm Description of the fixed reference point referred to by MLELTM, MLTPTNUM, and MLTPT.
34 ML MLRFTDTC Date/Time of Reference Time Point Char ISO 8601 Timing Perm Date/time for a fixed reference time point defined by MLTPTREF in ISO 8601 character format.
35 ML MIDS Disease Milestone Instance Name Char Timing Perm The name of a specific instance of a Disease Milestone Type (MIDSTYPE) described in the Trial Disease Milestones dataset. This should be unique within a subject. Used only in conjunction with RELMIDS and MIDSDTC.
36 ML RELMIDS Temporal Relation to Milestone Instance Char Timing Perm The temporal relationship of the observation to the Disease Milestone Instance Name in MIDS. Examples: "IMMEDIATELY BEFORE", "AT TIME OF", "AFTER".
37 ML MIDSDTC Disease Milestone Instance Date/Time Char ISO 8601 Timing Perm The start date/time of the Disease Milestone Instance Name in MIDS, in ISO 8601 format.