1 | OE | STUDYID | Study Identifier | Char | | Identifier | Req | Unique identifier for a study. |
2 | OE | DOMAIN | Domain Abbreviation | Char | | Identifier | Req | Two-character abbreviation for the domain. |
3 | OE | USUBJID | Unique Subject Identifier | Char | | Identifier | Req | Identifier used to uniquely identify a subject across all studies for all applications or submissions involving the product. |
4 | OE | FOCID | Focus of Study-Specific Interest | Char | C119013 | Identifier | Perm | Identification of a focus of study-specific interest on or within a subject or specimen as called out in the protocol for which a measurement, test, or examination was performed. |
5 | OE | OESEQ | Sequence Number | Num | | Identifier | Req | Sequence number given to ensure uniqueness of subject records within a domain. May be any valid number. |
6 | OE | OEGRPID | Group ID | Char | | Identifier | Perm | Optional group identifier, used to link together a block of related records within a subject in a domain. |
7 | OE | OELNKID | Link ID | Char | | Identifier | Perm | Identifier used to link related records across domains. This may be a one-to-one or a one-to-many relationship. |
8 | OE | OELNKGRP | Link Group | Char | | Identifier | Perm | Identifier used to link related records across domains. This will usually be a many-to-one relationship. |
9 | OE | OETESTCD | Short Name of Ophthalmic Test or Exam | Char | C117743 | Topic | Req | Short character value for OETEST used as a column name when converting a dataset from a vertical format to a horizontal format. It can be used as a column name when converting a dataset from a vertical to a horizontal format. The value in OETESTCD cannot be longer than 8 characters, nor can it start with a number (e.g., "1TEST" is not valid). OETESTCD cannot contain characters other than letters, numbers, or underscores. Example: "NUMLCOR". |
10 | OE | OETEST | Name of Ophthalmic Test or Exam | Char | C117742 | Synonym Qualifier | Req | Long name for the test or examination used to obtain the measurement or finding. The value in OETEST cannot be longer than 40 characters. Example: Number of Letters Correct for OETESTCD = "NUMLCOR". |
11 | OE | OETSTDTL | Ophthalmic Test or Exam Detail | Char | | Variable Qualifier | Perm | Further description of OETESTCD and OETEST. |
12 | OE | OECAT | Category for Ophthalmic Test or Exam | Char | | Grouping Qualifier | Perm | Used to define a category of topic-variable values. Examples: "VISUAL ACUITY", "CONTRAST SENSITIVIY", "OCULAR COMFORT". |
13 | OE | OESCAT | Subcategory for Ophthalmic Test or Exam | Char | | Grouping Qualifier | Perm | Used to define a further categorization of OECAT values. Examples: "HIGH CONTRAST" and "LOW CONTRAST" when OECAT is "VISUAL ACUITY". |
14 | OE | OEORRES | Result or Finding in Original Units | Char | | Result Qualifier | Exp | Result of the measurement or finding as originally received or collected. Examples: "120", "<1, NORMAL", "RED SPOT VISIBLE". |
15 | OE | OEORRESU | Original Units | Char | C71620 | Variable Qualifier | Exp | Original unit for OEORRES. Examples: "mm", "um". |
16 | OE | OEORNRLO | Normal Range Lower Limit-Original Units | Char | | Variable Qualifier | Perm | Lower end of normal range or reference range for results stored in OEORRES. |
17 | OE | OEORNRHI | Normal Range Upper Limit-Original Units | Char | | Variable Qualifier | Perm | Upper end of normal range or reference range for results stored in OEORRES. |
18 | OE | OESTRESC | Character Result/Finding in Std Format | Char | | Result Qualifier | Exp | Contains the result value for all findings, copied or derived from OEORRES in a standard format or in standard units. OESTRESC should store all results or findings in character format; if results are numeric, they should also be stored in numeric format in OESTRESN. |
19 | OE | OESTRESN | Numeric Result/Finding in Standard Units | Num | | Result Qualifier | Exp | Used for continuous or numeric results or findings in standard format; copied in numeric format from OESTRESC. OESTRESN should store all numeric test results or findings. |
20 | OE | OESTRESU | Standard Units | Char | C71620 | Variable Qualifier | Exp | Standardized units used for OESTRESC and OESTRESN. Examples: "mm", "um". |
21 | OE | OESTNRLO | Normal Range Lower Limit-Standard Units | Num | | Variable Qualifier | Perm | Lower end of normal range or reference range for standardized results (e.g., OESTRESC, OESTRESN) represented in standardized units (OESTRESU). |
22 | OE | OESTNRHI | Normal Range Upper Limit-Standard Units | Num | | Variable Qualifier | Perm | Upper end of normal range or reference range for standardized results (e.g., OESTRESC, OESTRESN) represented in standardized units (OESTRESU). |
23 | OE | OESTNRC | Normal Range for Character Results | Char | | Variable Qualifier | Perm | Normal range or reference range for results stored in OESTRESC that are character in ordinal or categorical scale. Example: "Negative to Trace". |
24 | OE | OENRIND | Normal/Reference Range Indicator | Char | C78736 | Variable Qualifier | Perm | Used to indicate the value is outside the normal range or reference range. May be defined by OEORNRLO and OEORNRHI or other objective criteria. Examples: "Y", "N"; "HIGH", "LOW", "NORMAL", "ABNORMAL". |
25 | OE | OERESCAT | Result Category | Char | | Variable Qualifier | Perm | Used to categorize the result of a finding or medical status per interpretation of test results. Examples: "POSITIVE", "NEGATIVE". The variable OERESCAT is not meant to replace the use of OENRIND for cases where normal ranges are provided. |
26 | OE | OESTAT | Completion Status | Char | C66789 | Record Qualifier | Perm | Used to indicate that a question was not asked or a test was not done, or a test was attempted but did not generate a result. Should be null or have a value of "NOT DONE". |
27 | OE | OEREASND | Reason Not Done | Char | | Record Qualifier | Perm | Reason not done. Used in conjunction with OESTAT when value is "NOT DONE". |
28 | OE | OEXFN | External File Path | Char | | Record Qualifier | Perm | Filename for an external file, such as one for a retinal OCT image. |
29 | OE | OELOC | Location Used for the Measurement | Char | C74456 | Record Qualifier | Exp | Anatomical location of the subject relevant to the collection of the measurement. Examples: "EYE" for a finding record relative to the complete eye, "RETINA" for a measurement or assessment of only the retina. |
30 | OE | OELAT | Laterality | Char | C99073 | Variable Qualifier | Exp | Qualifier for anatomical location or specimen further detailing laterality. Examples: "RIGHT", "LEFT", "BILATERAL". |
31 | OE | OEDIR | Directionality | Char | C99074 | Variable Qualifier | Perm | Qualifier for anatomical location or specimen further detailing directionality. Examples: "ANTERIOR", "LOWER", "PROXIMAL". |
32 | OE | OEPORTOT | Portion or Totality | Char | C99075 | Variable Qualifier | Perm | Qualifier for anatomical location or specimen further detailing the distribution, which means arrangement of, apportioning of. Examples: "ENTIRE", "SINGLE", "SEGMENT", "MANY". |
33 | OE | OEMETHOD | Method of Test or Examination | Char | C85492 | Record Qualifier | Exp | Method of the test or examination. Example: "ETDRS EYE CHART" for OETESTCD = "NUMLCOR". The different methods may offer different functionality or granularity, affecting the set of results and associated meaning. |
34 | OE | OELOBXFL | Last Observation Before Exposure Flag | Char | C66742 | Record Qualifier | Exp | Operationally-derived indicator used to identify the last non-missing value prior to RFXSTDTC. The value should be "Y" or null. |
35 | OE | OEBLFL | Baseline Flag | Char | C66742 | Record Qualifier | Perm | Indicator used to identify a baseline value. Should be "Y" or null. Note that OEBLFL is retained for backward compatibility. The authoritative baseline for statistical analysis is in an ADaM dataset. |
36 | OE | OEDRVFL | Derived Flag | Char | C66742 | Record Qualifier | Perm | Used to indicate a derived record (e.g., a record that represents the average of other records such as a computed baseline). Should be "Y" or null. |
37 | OE | OEEVAL | Evaluator | Char | C78735 | Record Qualifier | Perm | Role of the person who provided the evaluation. Used only for results that are subjective (e.g., assigned by a person or a group). Examples: "INDEPENDENT ASSESSOR", "INVESTIGATOR". |
38 | OE | OEEVALID | Evaluator Identifier | Char | C96777 | Variable Qualifier | Perm | Used to distinguish multiple evaluators with the same role recorded in OEEVAL. Examples: "RADIOLOGIST1" or "RADIOLOGIST2". |
39 | OE | OEACPTFL | Accepted Record Flag | Char | C66742 | Record Qualifier | Perm | In cases where more than one assessor provides an evaluation of a result or response, this flag identifies the record that is considered, by an independent assessor, to be the accepted evaluation. Expected to be "Y" or null. |
40 | OE | OEREPNUM | Repetition Number | Num | | Record Qualifier | Perm | The incidence number of a test that is repeated within a given timeframe for the same test. The level of granularity can vary, e.g., within a time point or within a visit. For example, multiple measurements of blood pressure or multiple analyses of a sample. |
41 | OE | VISITNUM | Visit Number | Num | | Timing | Exp | Clinical encounter number. Numeric version of VISIT, used for sorting. |
42 | OE | VISIT | Visit Name | Char | | Timing | Perm | Protocol-defined description of a clinical encounter. |
43 | OE | VISITDY | Planned Study Day of Visit | Num | | Timing | Perm | Planned study day of the visit based upon RFSTDTC in Demographics. |
44 | OE | TAETORD | Planned Order of Element within Arm | Num | | Timing | Perm | Number that gives the planned order of the Element within the Arm for the Element in which the assessment was made. |
45 | OE | EPOCH | Epoch | Char | C99079 | Timing | Perm | Epoch associated with the date/time at which the assessment was made. |
46 | OE | OEDTC | Date/Time of Collection | Char | ISO 8601 | Timing | Exp | Collection date/time of the observation. |
47 | OE | OEDY | Study Day of Visit/Collection/Exam | Num | | Timing | Exp | Actual study day of observation/exam expressed in integer days relative to the sponsor-defined RFSTDTC in Demographics. |
48 | OE | OETPT | Planned Time Point Name | Char | | Timing | Perm | Text description of time when a measurement or observation should be taken as defined in the protocol. This may be represented as an elapsed time relative to a fixed reference point. |
49 | OE | OETPTNUM | Planned Time Point Number | Num | | Timing | Perm | Numeric version of planned time point used in sorting. |
50 | OE | OEELTM | Planned Elapsed Time from Time Point Ref | Char | ISO 8601 | Timing | Perm | Planned elapsed time relative to a planned fixed reference (OETPTREF) such as "Previous Dose" or "Previous Meal". This variable is useful where there are repetitive measures. Not a clock time or a date/time variable, but an interval, represented as ISO duration. |
51 | OE | OETPTREF | Time Point Reference | Char | | Timing | Perm | Description of the fixed reference point referred to by OETPT, OETPTNUM, and OEELTM. |
52 | OE | OERFTDTC | Date/Time of Reference Time Point | Char | ISO 8601 | Timing | Perm | Date/time of the reference time point, OETPTREF. |