Variable_order Dataset_name Variable_name Variable_label Type Codelist Role Core CDISC_notes
1 SM STUDYID Study Identifier Char Identifier Req Unique identifier for a study.
2 SM DOMAIN Domain Char Identifier Req Two-character abbreviation for the domain.
3 SM USUBJID Unique Subject Identifier Char Identifier Req Identifier used to uniquely identify a subject across all studies.
4 SM SMSEQ Sequence Number Num Identifier Req Sequence number to ensure uniqueness of subject records. Should be assigned to be consistent chronological order.
5 SM MIDS Disease Milestone Instance Name Char Topic Req Name of the specific Disease Milestone. For types of Disease Milestone that can occur multiple times, the name will end with a sequence number. Example: "HYPO1".
6 SM MIDSTYPE Disease Milestone Type Char Record Qualifier Req The type of Disease Milestone. Example: "HYPOGLYCEMIC EVENT".
7 SM SMSTDTC Start Date/Time of Milestone Char ISO 8601 Timing Exp State date/time of Milestone Instance, if Milestone is an intervention or event, or date of Milestone if Milestone is a finding.
8 SM SMENDTC End Date/Time of Milestone Char ISO 8601 Timing Exp End date/time of Disease Milestone Instance.
9 SM SMSTDY Study Day of Start of Milestone Num Timing Exp Study day of start of Disease Milestone Instance, relative to the sponsor-defined RFSTDTC.
10 SM SMENDY Study Day of End of Milestone Num Timing Exp Study day of end of Disease Milestone Instance, relative to the sponsor-defined RFSTDTC.