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Variable_order Dataset_name Variable_name Variable_label Type Codelist Role Core CDISC_notes
1 TR STUDYID Study Identifier Char Identifier Req Unique identifier for a study.
2 TR DOMAIN Domain Abbreviation Char Identifier Req Two-character abbreviation for the domain.
3 TR USUBJID Unique Subject Identifier Char Identifier Req Identifier used to uniquely identify a subject across all studies for all applications or submissions involving the product.
4 TR TRSEQ Sequence Number Num Identifier Req Sequence number given to ensure uniqueness within a dataset for a subject. May be any valid number.
5 TR TRGRPID Group ID Char Identifier Perm Used to link together a block of related records within a subject in a domain.
6 TR TRREFID Reference ID Char Identifier Perm Internal or external identifier.
7 TR TRSPID Sponsor-Defined Identifier Char Identifier Perm Sponsor-defined identifier.
8 TR TRLNKID Link ID Char Identifier Exp Identifier used to link the assessment result records to the individual tumor identification record in TU domain.
9 TR TRLNKGRP Link Group Char Identifier Perm Used to group and link all of the measurement/assessment records used in the assessment of the response record in the RS domain.
10 TR TRTESTCD Tumor Assessment Short Name Char C96779 Topic Req Short name of the TEST in TRTEST. TRTESTCD cannot contain characters other than letters, numbers, or underscores. Examples: TUMSTATE, DIAMETER. See Assumption 2.
11 TR TRTEST Tumor Assessment Test Name Char C96778 Synonym Qualifier Req Verbatim name of the test or examination used to obtain the measurement or finding. The value in TRTEST cannot be longer than 40 characters. Examples: Tumor State, Diameter, Longest Perpendicular diameter, Volume, Area. See Assumption 2.
12 TR TRORRES Result or Finding in Original Units Char Result Qualifier Exp Result of the Tumor measurement/assessment as originally received or collected.
13 TR TRORRESU Original Units Char C71620 Variable Qualifier Exp Original units in which the data were collected. The unit for TRORRES. Example: mm
14 TR TRSTRESC Character Result/Finding in Std Format Char Record Qualifier Exp Contains the result value for all findings, copied or derived from TRORRES in a standard format or standard units. TRSTRESC should store all results or findings in character format; if results are numeric, they should also be stored in numeric format in TRSTRESN
15 TR TRSTRESN Numeric Result/Finding in Standard Units Num Result Qualifier Exp Used for continuous or numeric results or findings in standard format; copied in numeric format from TRSTRESC. TRSTRESN should store all numeric test results or findings.
16 TR TRSTRESU Standard Units Char C71620 Variable Qualifier Exp Standardized unit used for TRSTRESN.
17 TR TRSTAT Completion Status Char C66789 Result Qualifier Perm Used to indicate a scan/image/physical exam was not performed or a tumor measurement was not taken. Should be Null if a result exists in TRORRES.
18 TR TRREASND Reason Tumor Measurement Not Performed Char Record Qualifier Perm Describes why a scan/image/physical exam was not performed or a tumor measurement was not taken. Examples: SCAN NOT PERFORMED, NOT ASSESSABLE: Image obscured, TUMOR. Used in conjunction with TRSTAT when value is NOT DONE.
19 TR TRNAM Vendor Name Char Record Qualifier Perm The name or identifier of the vendor that performed the Tumor measurement or assessment. This column can be left Null when the Investigator provides the complete set of data in the domain.
20 TR TRMETHOD Method used to Identify the Tumor C85492 Record Qualifier Exp Method used to measure the tumor. Examples: MRI, CT SCAN.
21 TR TREVAL Evaluator Char C78735 Record Qualifier Exp Role of the person who provided the evaluation. Examples: INVESTIGATOR, INDEPENDENT ASSESSOR. This column can be left Null when the Investigator provides the complete set of data in the domain. However the column should contain no Null values when data from one or more independent assessors is included meaning that the rows attributed to the Investigator should contain a value of INVESTIGATOR.
22 TR TREVALID Evaluator Identifier Char C96777 Variable Qualifier Perm The Evaluator Specified variable is used in conjunction with TREVAL to provide an additional level of detail. When multiple assessors play the role identified in TREVAL, values of TREVALID will attribute a row of data to a particular assessor. TREVALID should not contain the names of the assessors, or a code identifier for a specific assessor, but should contain values such as RADIOLOGIST, RADIOLOGIST 1 or RADIOLOGIST 2. The TREVALID variable is subject to CDISC Controlled Terminology. Note TREVAL must also be populated when TREVALID is populated. See Assumption 7.
23 TR TRACPTFL Accepted Record Flag Char C66742 Record Qualifier Perm In cases where more than one independent assessor (e.g. RADIOLOGIST 1, RADIOLOGIST 2, ADJUDICATOR) provide independent assessments at the same timepoint this flag identifies the record that is considered to be the accepted assessment.
24 TR VISITNUM Visit Number Num Timing Exp 1. Clinical encounter number. 2. Numeric version of VISIT, used for sorting.
25 TR VISIT Visit Name Char Timing Perm 1. Protocol-defined description of clinical encounter. 2. May be used in addition to VISITNUM and/or VISITDY.
26 TR VISITDY Planned Study Day of Visit Num Timing Perm
27 TR EPOCH Epoch Char Timing Perm Epoch associated with the Element in the planned sequence of Elements for the ARM to which the subject was assigned
28 TR TRDTC Date/Time of Tumor Measurement Char ISO 8601 Timing Exp TRDTC variable represents the date of the scan/image/physical exam not the date that the image was read to identify tumors. TRDTC variable does not represent the VISIT date.
29 TR TRDY Study Day of Tumor Measurement Num Timing Perm 1. Study day of the scan/image/physical exam, measured as integer days. 2. Algorithm for calculations must be relative to the sponsor-defined RFSTDTC variable in Demographics.