TASKS_HIS_L1001 | Identify the overlap of dates in exposure intervals | | | | |
TASKS_HIS_L1003 | Get the latest transfusion date on or before each lab collection date | | | | |
TASKS_HIS_L1004 | Last dosing date before an adverse event start date | | | | |
TASKS_HIS_L1005 | Check if an element start date is same as previous element end date in SE | | | | |
TASKS_HIS_L1006 | Change from previous non-missing result | | | | |
TASKS_HIS_L1007 | Filter all records of subjects with a duplicate record in ADSL | | | | |
TASKS_HIS_L1008 | Compare a table output dataset after removing spaces | | | | |
TASKS_HIS_L1009 | Check if at least one dose of a concomitant medication is taken within study treatment period | | | | |